Mögen wilde Mäuse Nüsse und Rosinen?
Im Holzstapel wohnt eine Maus, sie kommt immer auf den Pflanztisch zum Essen, dort steht das Vogelfutter.
Da ich das putzige Tierchen mag, soll es zu Weihnachten was Besonderes geben.
Den Apfel mag sie, daher dachte ich an Rosinen.
They like pretty much everything, but then it should be unsulphurized, we don’t know how to wear sulfurized.
Yeah, you can do it. Consider the possible consequences. Wild animals (aside from singing birds) are not actually fed. These animals, as cute as they are, like to get used to as a feed source. I also had a mouse in the garden, which I gave at times what, it didn’t take three weeks, my garden was “mausbefallen”, in the truest sense of the word. Just now that it gets cold, they also like to walk into the apartment (except that they can provide a very nice mess in the garden…).
So far, the cats of the surrounding area have still caught any mouse. As long as she’s here, I’ll enjoy her. She’s not very shy either. In the house we never had one, although in the summer the door is often open.
Well, the subject with the cats runs parallel in another thread. It is not intended in our local ecosystem that cats will exploit wild animals. So you have to be aware of this: a) You feed wild animals (not naturally provided) b) You’re taking the enticed wild animals from your domestic cats that have nothing to look for in nature. This is a double intervention in the natural system. I’m not judging this, you just have to be aware that there are long-term problems when everyone does.
Then everything is great.
I don’t have cats and if I forget to close the lid of the lining bucket, the mouse is also good. They’re also under feeding.
I wouldn’t mind feeding mice. Population density has something to do with food supply. Much food = Many mice. The rule of mice is actually: do not let food lie around….
Yes, mice like raisins – but I will never understand why one should give animals something to any festivities – at best one makes oneself a pleasure because one has a good feeling.
So feed the mouse with raisins, which are greedy on it – at least you can lure any mouse into a trap
So you understand;)
my eating mostly oatmeal