Mögen die Leute keine Zeichnung als Geschenke?

male für manche Leute eine Zeichnung ihres Autos auf Instagram und erwähne ihren Namen so das sie es sehen können. Sie sehen es aber reagieren nicht darauf. Habe andere Künstler gesehen die das selbe machen und jeder kommt und sagt danke. Bei mir bedankt sich keiner und das ist schon der 4. in Folge obwohl meine Follower die Zeichnung super finden. Sind die Leute wirklich so merkwürdig das sie nicht mal nen Geschenk mögen?

habe auch schon die selben Wagen wie andere Künstler gemalt wo sich die Eigentümer bei den Künstlern bedankt haben aber bei mir nicht.

ist was falsch mit der Zeichnung oder so?

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1 year ago

Take it because it looks like it’s just a picture and not a drawing.

1 year ago
Reply to  NinaNilamaro

No, not really. An artist has his own brand. Or was Van Gogh known for his realism?
It just looks too much for photo and not for art. It’s fucking well done, no question, but at first glance it just looks like a photo with filter on it.

1 year ago

IG artists are of little interest to me. Art is not realistic for me, but is creative. But that doesn’t matter here and is my opinion.

I just told you what the reason nobody could thank you. Please, please.

1 year ago

Well, your parents are right. It’s a waste of time… Unless you live from the drawings or have it before in the future, it is advertising.

Your drawing is top! The problem with the vehicle is absolutely nothing that is unique, so nothing that connects the car to the owner. It could also be that you want to drive exactly the same and share it with the other owner. Why would he thank you? There is also no sign that you have made the drawing yourself.

I know what you’re doing, but every normal person doesn’t know. There are so many pictures on the net, because it doesn’t surprise me that nobody knows how to appreciate your work.

My suggestion, make a timelapse like you choose the car from the other person and sketch it live.

Find out more in the profile, maybe you can find holiday photos or a pet or the person that belongs to the car, now combine the pictures. Now he/she has something unique/personal and looks at him/her.

Be creative, create something the other person doesn’t just find in google. Surprise them and talk them personally in the picture.

At the end of the timelapse you will present your artwork. Then you might expect a “that is cool” or even a “danke”.


PS: I would probably not say thank you if I could send a beautiful but rather boring picture unquestioned. On social media, you are usually overwhelmed with information. It’s just nothing more special and how much value a few computer pixels can no one guess…

The others might say thank you for giving the artist an image and receiving a drawing of it. You don’t know. Or they are personal colleagues, people who know how much work the artists are investing in the image.

In addition, you should not try to draw hyperrealistic. You’re right in art to paint it as realistic as possible. Then, in 1826, photography was invented and enabled the art we know today.

For example, “The Eye” by Paul Klee 1922…

The artists are free today and you can recognize the artist at his “handwriting”

If you find “deine” handwriting, people will thank you more. But it takes time.

1 year ago

So I would say thank you – maybe the person of this doesn’t see?

1 year ago
Reply to  NinaNilamaro

only stories or regular contributions?

1 year ago

are the pictures of them you sign up? or just n car which looks like theirs?

1 year ago

I know the problem, have never done it for others, but have often uploaded graffitis and graphics in FB or even in the WA status – no reaction.

At some point, I spoke to my sister and my brother and then they were totally shocked that I had drawn this and until then assumed that it was simply a random image from the Internet ^^^

1 year ago

So I think if you really drew it yourself, that’s absolutely sick.

I would never get it that way.(A dog looks like ne Sausage😂 suspended️ð🙈) So I’d say thank you.

If you don’t think it’s just gonna keep going if you feel like it and if you come and say stop talking about the crap then just say “ne is my hobby and I do what I like”. Ready.

Don’t let you get under it.



1 year ago
Reply to  NinaNilamaro

Very welcome

1 year ago

With digitally drawn things, most people do not see that it is drawn, but think that a filter has been slapped or so:(
If the picture from this question is from you: greatest respect on my part, I traditionally draw Poträts etc…… could never be as distinctive as you:O

really rough performance! What’s your name on Instagram? And do you make orders?