Mofa verliert Leistung bei fahrt?

Ich habe ein Piaggio si, wenn ich mit dem fahre wird es immer langsamer und verliert auch an Kraft. Wenn ich dann Gas gebe, wird es zuerst kurz wie abgebremst, wird aber anschliessend schneller. Wenn ich es kurz auschalte und direkt wieder einschalte, fährt es wieder normal für eine bestimmte Zeit und dann fängt das ganze wieder von vorne an.

Danke im vorraus für die Antworten.

Mfg Thomas

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5 years ago

There are various causes…

a crack in the intake connection can lead, for example, to the fact that an underpressure-actuated sprite does not rise properly and then the sprite in the carburetor becomes scarce as slowly but surely because not enough runs.

Hard and thus impermeable shimmer rings on the crankshaft can have a similar effect.

A dirty air filter would initially represent an increased consumption. In order to cause this error description, it must be very dense.

A defective spark plug can also cause such symptoms. When the ceramic insulator has a crack at the center electrode, everything goes quite normal and with increasing temperature the problems begin.

Usw… etc…

5 years ago

The air filter is dirty.

5 years ago

Still enough fuel in there?

5 years ago

First of all, I would try how it is to drive without a tank cover to close the tank ventilation is blocked. Another possibility would be a russian exhaust, with 2-stroke modes it must be burned out again and again.