Mofa ohne cdi drosseln?


Baue mir grad meine hercules gt zusammen, die hat Leistung die ich nicht nutzen kann, da ich keinen 50er Schein hab. Die gt hat leider keine cdi, weswegen ich keine Blackbox einbauen kann. Kann ich irgendwas umbauen, das ich irgendeinen Schalter irgendwo hin machen kann?

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1 year ago

The Herkules GT was built as Mofa, is therefore designed for 25km/h and has 1 KW as standard, i.e. 1,36 hp.

If your performance is as much as you write, then the previous owner or owners have made illegal changes, thereby eliminating the license.

Your question whether you can’t install a switch somewhere….. lets you realize that you either don’t take it so accurately with the StVO or you are not aware of the criminal consequences….

If you were to leave the Mofa in the state, “simply” get you an insurance license and then drive in the area of the StVO, then that would not be any offences, but crimes….

Driving without driving permit, without operating permit, without insurance cover.

It will certainly not reassure you now if you read that a fine may not exceed 360 daily rates and a prison sentence may only be imposed for a maximum of one year……

Please check if a larger carburetor and larger exhaust manifold has been installed and rebuild it to the original state before you drive it.

1 year ago

The Hercules Prima GT was originally also a mofa, only there as a variant with a solid tank/seat level without a deep entrance.

If your copy currently offers much more performance, some were a pre-owner with non-restored tuning parts manipulating on the work.

Unfortunately, you’ve got an SO no longer really usable buddies. 😞

1 year ago

Can rebuild everything you like. But you like driving with it, right? Then you need an insurance person of your trust – that was actually already:D