Mofa läuft original 45kmh(Schweiz), Hilfe?

Hallo zusammen, ich habe ein Puch Maxi S, bin wohnhaft in der Schweiz. Da die Mofas in der Schweiz eigentlich nur 30kmh schnell sein dürfen, überschreitet meine diese Grenze.

Sie ist komplett original, vom 18mm Auspuff bis hin zum ori 38mm Zylinder.

Meine Frage:

Was könnten für Strafen auf mich zukommen wenn ich mit dem Maxi S „erwischt“ werde? es ist ja original und da kann ich nicht mal was drosseln!

Jede Antwort und Meinung ist erwünscht, danke im voraus!

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5 years ago


The tacho at the Töffli usually exaggerates quite strongly. The cars also exaggerate at the designated speed. That’s how someone would have to measure you with a GPS in the car. This is true.

So it can be that your Maxi actually only runs 35. This is in the tolerance range. If the police arrive, you will first check whether it is technically okay (brakes, light, unnecessary play on the wheels, bells available etc.). When it turns out that nothing is changed, you won’t be punished either.

My old Velo Solex Töffli runs under good conditions until effective 38 km/h.

I wish you a lot of fun with your first motor vehicle.


Image: Velo Solex from 1973

5 years ago
Reply to  DrLukestein

Yes, if the puch Maxi actually runs 45 km/h, this would be too fast. The law says it can be a maximum of 10% too much. However, in any case, check whether something is not really changed at the exhaust or intake/gasifier.

However, the probability is very small that you are controlled. The police will be suspicious when the töffli is too loud. This is always striking and is also the point where neighbors are most likely to complain.
