Mofa (Hercules prima 5S) fährt 35-40 km/h?

Hallo, meine Hercules prima 5S, Baujahr 1979 fährt im Original Zustand circa 35-40 KMH. Es wurde nichts verändert oder getuned, alles sollte noch Original sein. Das einzigste was mir aufgefallen ist, ist das bei dem P1 Krümmer circa 30 cm abgeschnitten worden sind. Ich verstehe nicht ganz warum das gemacht wurde, eine Rohrverbreiterung wurde damit ja nicht erreicht. So, jetzt frage ich mich natürlich ob es mit meiner Mofa Prüfbescheinigung erlaubt ist mit ihr zu fahren? Könnt ihr mir da weiterhelfen?


P. S. Ich habe die Geschwindigkeit noch zusätzlich mit meiner Handy App überprüft, es sind wirklich auf der geraden circa 35-40 KMH.

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5 years ago

A two-clocker has the exhaust as a kind of resonance tube. As a result of the shortening of the elbow pipe, the resonant frequency increases, as a result, the power in the lower and improves in the upper speed range.

THE IST BEREITS TUNING and strictly speaking the licence expires.

If you mount an elbow in the serial state, this deficiency is fixed and the Mofa will still run a bit faster, but then it will no longer be your concern. A bit of “tolerance” is there and no one will turn you a knit from it when the thing is a little bit faster.

All right?!

5 years ago

Actually, that’s a bad value. The hercules should bring about 45Km/h in the original state.

But there is now a change, the flame tube or elbow pipe has been shortened. Whether or not a higher maximum speed has been drawn up does not matter, this is certainly seen as a tuning during a control, thereby losing its approval.

5 years ago

Two things,

the original elbow must be on it.

By separating the throttle pipe, the mofa becomes louder and faster.

The wear of the sprockets can increase the speed.If the chain is then distorted and jumps over the worn sprockets, it will be slower again and must be exchanged.

So,please use the original exhaust.If everything is original,and still a higher speed is reached,it’s okay.

5 years ago

That’s why we were in court.

Puch-Mofa: Nothing changes + still drives too fast.

5 years ago
Reply to  Plaritma

So, what happened?

Basically, it doesn’t matter if the Mofa drives too fast in the serial state. It is then the responsibility of the driver not to drive faster than 25 to 30 km/h. Otherwise any car would have to be throttled…

5 years ago
Reply to  Z0ckerb0y

The police officer who had been in control sat on it + went down with it. That’s what we told the judge. Then they wanted to check it again + we said we didn’t have it anymore.

5 years ago

now I wonder if my Mofa test certificate is allowed to drive with it?

What’s on your certificate? And is 40 a larger or smaller number?