Mofa angehalten werden Strafe?
Hallo, ich habe vor kurzem ein Mofa zusammen mit meinem Vater gekauft und wieder restauriert, es geht allerdings 40 statt 25, jetzt die Frage: Droht mir eine Strafe falls ich von der Polizei angehalten werde, denn eigentlich kann ich ja nichts dafür.Ich bin 15 und habe einen Mofaführerschein.
Hi, there is 10% tolerance by law, until 27.5 km/h would be okay. In practice, the police press an eye to 30. But 40 is too fast, there’s trouble.
This is driving without a driving permit, a crime. If you’re lucky, the procedure will be set with a warning, with bad luck you’d have to do a few social hours.
If you’re caught with free Mofa for a second time, you’d get problems with future driving licences.
If that were the case, there would be no other judgments in which the court decided, due to lack of legal tolerance, how much overcrowd is permissible. What law are these 10%?
You should strangle that.
The problem is that you’re on the road without a driving permit. And what I suspect is that there can be a license lock. This is only unnecessary trouble, so the Mofa is driving the maximum speed that is permissible for you.
Driving without a driving permit without if and but!
No excuses, you’re responsible for being throttled!
I also landed in front of the youth judge with exactly the same thing.
But yours was fryed in the article, mys is running so much.What penalty did you get when you can ask?
Knapper monthly wage donated as a edition (teacher)
IB freezes or doesn’t care – if you run too fast you have to let it thrott
Bullshit. You know it’s going faster, and still drive. So you can do something to commit this crime.
Jup 2 years prison.
This is under driving without driving licence
Never in life. I am 15 as already said. Polizei/15-Jaehriger-zu-fast-and-without-fuehrerschein-unterweg-2701808.html
Yes, but never in life 2 years jail