Modellbahn tipps?


Fang damit jetzt an und wollte mal fragen ob erfahrene Modellbauer Tipps hätten auf was ich achten soll.

Falls ihr Infos wollt: Ich Bau Epoche 4, hab viel Platz und ja…🙂

Währe schön wenn ich ein paar Hilfestellungen bekomme.😂

Danke im voraus und bitte keine BEHINDERTEN Kommentare das das für mein alter ein komisches Hobby ist davon hab ich schon genug bekommen danke!😑

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1 year ago

Why would it be a funny hobby? Whoever claims it has no one. Anyway, it’s one thing that goes into the money.

First, you should also choose a track system from a manufacturer. I use the Piko A-Gleis for analog DC operation and am very satisfied with it. The geometry is very good with sufficient space, the selection is relatively large and the role-practice is sufficient for me.

1 year ago

Lots of space – you have the most ahead.

My tip would be; build a modular system from the start. It can also be moved or exhibited – or modified.

1 year ago

I also started fulfilling my childhood dream a few months ago and build a Märklin H0 facility.

If I have problems, look or ask Stummis Modellbahnforum (