Model werden mit 175 CM?
Ich bin ein stolzer, blonde und deutsche Mann. Ich sehe wirklich herrlich aus und habe auch die Modelierfigur. Ich bin allerdings nur 175 CM groß und jetzt frage ich mich, ob noch ein herrliches Model werden?
Ich bin ein stolzer, blonde und deutsche Mann. Ich sehe wirklich herrlich aus und habe auch die Modelierfigur. Ich bin allerdings nur 175 CM groß und jetzt frage ich mich, ob noch ein herrliches Model werden?
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It’s a bit too small for the catwalk, but you can try it anyway.
In women it is also always that under 180cm something is too small ( Claudia Schiffer is 180cm ), but Kate Moss is “only” 170cm and was also a supermodel.
In catalogues such as Bader or Babista, this doesn’t matter as much as the size of the body can be adjusted.
that is too small to become a real model.
There’s no use of the imaginary. Maybe in an advertisement for a discounter as a model.
Greetings Vanni 🙂
Just because I’m not Don Juan? Legun Ling was also only 176 kross…
If you don’t want to hear an answer, don’t ask questions!
For male runway models, the minimum size is 185 cm
What are you doing?
But the fact is that you obviously don’t like being too small for a professional model with 1.75.
If you set something that is effectively a yes-no response, you must not complain if there is no as an antowrt.
I know I have nothing against answers, but against fiction bullying…
Wow, a very good answer. Up:)
You have a suitable size for a female model.
As a man, that’s too little to be really successful. Could be that you might appear in a catalogue or similar, but as a plan of the future, an education or study would be appropriate.
If it’s good for an acquisition if not then.
Not a runway model. Otherwise you can try. Find a good model photographer. Create a portfolio and apply to model agencies. Costs are around the 200 – 800 depending on the photographer. And that’s where you should really choose.
Well, then you need a lot of luck to find an agency that takes you. That could be hard. Guys like you probably already have.
It depends. For the catwalk you can forget it.
Sure. Hand model, foot model. Model for modeling mass. All possible.
Very unlikely.
fitness model
Don’t run.