
Heyyy ich bin 8. Klasseund interessiere mich für Mode und Design und würde in meinem späteren Leben gerne so etwas in die Richtung machen,

Wisst ihr was ich tun kann damit ich diesen Bereich mehr Kennenlerne und auch nähen von Klamotten oderso lerne mich besser mit Mode auskenne und berühmten Designern mich interessiert dieses Thema wirklich aber ich weiß nicht ganz wie ich starten soll

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1 month ago

An internship is a good idea, but unfortunately is not always offered. Hobby sewing gives a nice taste. Either you learn this from an acquaintance / relative, visit courses or you experiment for you. So I did that when I could handle the sewing machine myself; I have sewn up seams, made skirts tighter or cut to simple cut patterns beach dresses, night shirts etc. (for you can also use them if they are not 100% exact)

Also handworks that have to do with fashion are a good idea; What do you think of sticking, knitting, crocheting, crocheting? The entry into these hobbies is relatively easy and you get nice results.

If you really see your future in it, practice drawing too! In the university there is an art kit for the application. This allows you to show your color and style sensation. The fashion drawing is particularly interesting here, but you do not have to and should not limit yourself to it.

I wish you good luck

1 month ago
Reply to  Paula407

Very welcome

1 month ago

Do internship in the field. Then you know what you really want