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Was haltet ihr von der Evolution?
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I think it’s still necessary to take immunosuppressants. This costs on the one hand, and on the other hand I don’t want to have to eat tablets every day.
Some diseases have the advantage that death is a good end.
To give the tablets as a reason I find quite unconsidered. I’ve been taking immunosuppressants for over 30 years, but I have a life!
Hello myzyny04.
If I had the choice, I would, of course, choose the pig heart. I don’t want to die.
It’s a sensation that something is possible.
If you need your heart, you’re not good because you wouldn’t need your heart. So I’d rather just die, I’d have had a lot of problems with my heart and I wouldn’t be okay. W isn’t cheap either.
I think it’s hard to ask. I saw that on instagram too.
I wouldn’t want the animal to die for me.
If you were to use it, that would be different again.
but I really don’t know how to live with the conscience. So probably no
As long as the result of this is not slaughtering only due to the organs, there is certainly some positive result.
If you’re standing close to such a very existential decision…you’ll really decide… It’s easy to talk before.
I know someone who has a completely artificial heart valve, such a pig. Okay, the whole heart is already a new one!
This question arises only when the bone finger knocks on the door. No one has to know, we hope it works, because the life of the pig is not long?
We already had a comparison with the cannibals, that the answer would be only if it was so far and they became cannibals all at that time in the Andes of South America. Never say that I wouldn’t let that stand in case of seriousness.
You can’t answer that if it’s ready.
That’s what I decide when it’s ready.
I will answer that if necessary.
The pig community “GutesGrunzen” has found out that 99% of all pigs prefer to live rather than get a human heart.
You see how clever the Grunzis are!
Pigs are genetically very close to us.