Mochte Snape Harry wirklich nur wegen der Liebe zu Lily?
In der Szene in der Dumbeldore Snape fragt ob er sich doch um Harry sorgt antwortet dieser ja fast spöttisch,, um ihn‘‘ und sagt ja somit das er dies nur wegen der Liebe zu Lily tut aber ist das wirklich so.Ich glaube das er im Laufe der Zeit angefangen hat Harry wirklich zu mögen und das nicht nur wegen Lily oder einem schlechten Gewissen tat.Was denkt ihr?
Snape loved Lilly and lost her to the guy who humiliated him. It hurts
Harry was James’ descendant – Snape said it to Harry: he was like his father arrogant and lazy, a pig. I think Snape saw Harry as a kind of James 2.0 and therefore had no sympathy for him from the beginning, which was also somewhere comprehensible, even though Harry was gracious.
His love for Lilly, however, continued until the end and with time Snape learned to realize that in Harry not only the negative of James, but also a large part of Lilly – his best friend and great love – was stuck.
I don’t think he liked Harry. He kept protecting him because he thought I had the feeling of doing something for Lily, but at the same time he hated him so much because he was the living proof that Lily chose James and not for him.
Well, I think it was all about lili .But harry has the eyes of her and that was the only where snap she could stand in it.. Many greetings