Möchte nicht zurück aber Emotionen machen es schwer?

Hallo, ich bin 17 Jahre alt, schwul und momentan in Obhut. Meine Familie möchte mich wieder nach Hause holen. Sie glauben an eine sehr konservative Religion und sind der Meinung, dass schwul sein etwas Abartiges ist. Wenn sie herausfinden, dass ich schwul bin, haben sie mir angedroht, mir etwas Schlimmes anzutun.

Eines Tages bin ich zur Schule gegangen und habe mit meinem Soziallehrer zum Jugendamt gesprochen. Dort haben sie mir geraten, in Obhut zu gehen, was ich auch getan habe. Es sind jetzt schon einige Tage vergangen, seit meine Familie mich zurückhaben möchte. Ich weiß, dass die Situation eskalieren wird, insbesondere mit meinem Vater. Sie senden mir Sprachnachrichten, in denen sie weinen und mich bitten, zurückzukommen. Aber ich habe Angst und möchte nicht, dass es zu schlimmen Situationen kommt. Diese Nachrichten belasten mich emotional sehr und haben mich in einen emotionalen Breakdown gebracht.

Ich möchte mit meiner Familie nichts mehr zu tun haben, weiß aber nicht, wie ich damit umgehen soll. Mein Wohl ist mir wichtiger als die Religion.

Danke für alle Antworten.

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6 months ago

Hello GTW2024,

Can we just hold on to how inconceivable you are. How much strength does it have to cost you to walk your own will this way?! Many who are in very bad situations have no strength to save themselves, except for survival. You saw the moment and took your chance.

If you’re in custody, you’d have to find social workers. It might be as hard for you, but they are the right address for these concerns. Your case is in any way safe (unfortunate or fortunate) not the first.

Although the objective is to ensure that children and young people return to the family of origin, this does not happen at any price. The more the supervisors know about the situation, the better they can organize the help or further action.

They can also capture you locally and develop strategies together with you. But social workers can only work with what they have.

Take the person with whom deim belly says “yes” at least.

I push you so much the thumb 🍀💜

Greetings, MaMaStef

6 months ago
Reply to  GTW2024

Oh, I didn’t mean to give you a bad feeling…

5 months ago

Oh wow, you see how incredibly strong you are. Coming to this point cost you courage, sweat and many tears. If my words were a supporting hand, then we were both in the right place at the right time.

At some point, you’ll look at your life and think, “Hey, that’s how it should just stay. I love it.” – maybe then a person walks over the path that needs your confidence to be brave for himself.

I wish you a lot of love in life and in the difficult times the necessary backwind 🫶

6 months ago

I wish I could give you a patent prescription against helplessness. It’s a bit like mourning. No word makes it easier or time goes faster. Also, you don’t help alone with that. Actually, you have to get through the feelings somehow. Be angry, be sad, be disappointed and indifferent. At some point, you’ve lived through things and can make your peace with them. It is now the power you bring up so your future I can say:

“Wow, it was a shit. But we’ve got this and we’re making it quite different now. Look how good we are “and maybe you can feel at some moment as this future-I knocks you through some dimension now on your shoulders

6 months ago

I know… Hell could hardly be worse. On the other hand, you have just escaped. It may be hard now, but how much worse could the current state be. Use this chance for your life. You started your way, grab the social workers as support and tell them everything they should know. It has its reason that they have implemented the inobservation. If you have legitimate fear of death, they must know and why she is entitled. I’m sure you’re not doing this out of boredom or pleasure.

6 months ago

Isn’t it enough to make you aware of any emotional transformation that you want to kill? It doesn’t have to go as far as you hate her.

On the other hand, it’s also normal that you think with the family despite the events and the threat situation. Don’t worry about it, and then make yourself aware that it’s in your life.

You can also ask YES in medical (psychological) help.

6 months ago

Problematic families should definitely be avoided! If you get threatened, you have to take the first distance. Your parents try to press you into a picture that is compatible with their fascist values. The longer this situation stops, the more likely it is that your parents find out and then you may be in great danger. Your parents want to press you into a person you are not and you can’t say how extreme they are.

6 months ago

Do I really understand that your parents do not know anything about your sexual orientation? Then let them know from your safe position. Then you can see how they react and then make further decisions.

6 months ago

in which form emotional?

6 months ago

then break the contact. Lock your phone numbers and ask the youth office to place you anonymously.