Möchte mir einen Benz Cls anschaffen was haltet ihr davon lohnt sich?
Hi liebe Community Freunde, ich habe mir was zusammen gespart und würde mir gern ein Cls 350er Baujahr 2006 172.000 km für 11.000€. Ich weiß das Auto ist schon alt lohnt es sich sein Geld in das Auto zu investieren. Bin absoluter Mercedes Fan und finde den alten Cls sehr schön meiner Meinung nach. Natürlich ist der neue Cls noch schöner aber denn kann ich mir nicht leisten hehe. Also für diese Konditionen kann oder soll ich ihn mir holen ?
Leave your fingers. The CLS and top class in general are very expensive. Even if they’re new, parts are due. Whether wear or simply unplanned defects, at the end there was a fat bill. The box (as 350s) has cost 80-100.000 euros without any problems at the time. Accordingly, the maintenance costs as well as the maintenance costs were also high.
Now the car is too old. If there’s an airmat, I’ll leave my fingers twice.
if you drive 6 cylinders, look for a C280 or C350 series W204. Will only have foreheads for the price, but with clearly below 150 tkm. If you look a bit, you’ll find one with AMG package. It then visually produces at least as much as a C219 CLS.
Otherwise a W211. There, however, also one without airmatics and without SBC brake, i.e. a Mopf (from 2006 or 2007).
The 350 m272 engine is a very good engine up to a few production periods. The 272 hp engine was installed in the E-Class and later the 292 hp engine was installed by 2007. A little more restless in the stand but more powerful. Then you have a direct injection and you need to clean the exhaust pipes more often.
The engines and the gears are not different than in smaller models. At CLS it’s just the whole expensive technique. Every wear part is expensive. If Mercedes builds something that impresses people (just in the top class), you can be sure that it will be expensive.
Thank you! Or should I get a Mercedes E class 2010 year of construction? Or do you mean the Cls 350er without airmatics can I also get without great concerns?
Better take the E-Class!
The old model of large brands gain value when they are beautiful and well maintained.
As far as I can observe.
At the Mercedes, however, it is necessary to think about the expensive repairs and spare parts that might be needed, and to know a workshop.
I’m going to the auto-part dealer, but they’re not always going well with my youngtimer, which the Arab fitters think is dirty, even though he’s already cult and expensive on the net, against earlier. They don’t know.
Well, well superior, 11000 is a stick of money also for an old Benz. Love is usually expensive.
It’s good. Fill your wish. I’ll find good.
Check the car on heart and kidneys and then enjoy it.
See if maintenance store is
Whether grate on supporting parts is like blacker doorbell etc
Look if he had an accident, he had lock straps and trunk.
Look at the history of the vehicle .
Tire brakes etc
Then I think there is nothing in the way.
Listen to the engine noise with an open hood and look into the wheel boxes. Both are open.
Tyres, brakes, etc, can be made gloomy, engine and perforated sheet less.
if you can afford the monthly support, why not.
I find Cls unstable. From 200,000 km. Unnormally, they don’t cost to stop.
In mine, apart from the gear, almost everything was done.
Control chains.Light-mashake.droselflap and and and.