Möchte mein Kaninchen mit mir fangen spielen?

Mein Kaninchen (löwenköpfchen mix) stupst mich immer ganz sanft an, manchmal auch zwei mal, und sobald ich mich umdrehe hoppelt es davon. Wenn ich ihm aber nicht hinterhergehe bleibt der kleine sitzen und schaut mich an, manchmal kommt er auch wieder zurück und stupst mich noch mal an. Also will er mit mir fangen spielen?
Mit seinem Vater (mein anderes Kaninchen) tut er dasselbe und die beiden haben auch immer Spaß beim rumrennen und fangen.

Ich möchte ihn halt nicht verängstigen, indem ich ihm hinterhergehe und ihn halt versuche zu „fangen“ (also nicht hochnehmen sondern nur berühren bzw. Streicheln)

würde mich auch antworten freuen 🙂

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2 years ago

My dwarf rabbit does that too!

He usually needs attention, then I usually get a few leaks and practice tricks or tricks with him somehow differently

2 years ago
Reply to  Cinderboom

I got one too! 😀

I’ve bought such a ball for my leaky conscientious objector and just filled small stones and made the hatch. He likes to roll the flapping ball through the whole enclosure! Or put some of his cottages/beds around or build a new packur he can explore with boards.
Otherwise, see if he eats cucumber dishes (so I can always convince myself)


1 year ago

Sorry can’t vote

I’ve come to see that this is part of the rankings. That’s what you want to tell him/her in the way.I don’t think they want to start playing (who wants to consume his energy for an emergency :)?.But please check again on the internet after that is already longer!

Lg Leo

2 years ago

If he does, try to catch him. Maybe he wants that, as you mentioned.

If there’s something weird for you, let’s go. You know your animal best.

2 years ago

I doubt very much that an escape animal wants to catch.

Anstupsen can mean several things.

Once that it wants to have attention or leak..

..or you’re in the way.

2 years ago

I don’t think it wants to catch you playing with you (you don’t want a giant trying to ask you or? 😂) Either it wants food or attention.

2 years ago

Make your rabbit alone and need a partner.Of course, the stubborn goes away you’re disturbing 😘

Together much happy ☺️

2 years ago
Reply to  Cinderboom

Supi if it is not alone

Thank you