Möchte mehr zeichnen, traue mich zu wenig?

Hi, bin m/18, und möchte mehr zeichnen, aber fühle mich sehr peinlich wenn ich gern was zeichnen möchte bzw. über meine Ideen was ich zeichnen möchte. Ich habe sehr Idealistische/Kreative Ideen, aber wenn ich diese umsetze, sieht es schlimmer aus als gedacht.

Was kann ich machen und wie und wo kann ich weiter zeichnen lernen? Und wie kann ich mich zum Zeichnen motivieren? Ich zeichne sehr gerne nur einem Bleistift und Papier, ohne Farbe.

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2 years ago

First of all, you must not be embarrassed! Why? Sure, everyone starts small, whether late or early doesn’t matter.

Well drawing can not come from anywhere, but you have to stay up and improve your skills so slowly. But you could start looking at you, I did that if you were. a tablet, you can take a photo and work out the most important details and take them. there are various techniques;)

in portraits I would recommend you to start with frontalviewwn, half or three quarter views are already a bit heavier

in buildings, you can take a floor or pencil (idk) and sit somewhere (no warning, like that xD). If you then raise the pencil, you can enter the proportions of the building and transfer it to the sheet. you can only capture the height, put the pencil on the paper, mark the size and then the wide etc.

It is only important that you keep the same distance between the building and the pencil in this method, otherwise you distort the proportions.

the last method that I think of spontaneously is still. you can only roughly estimate the size, width, height and draw a box in size. then you begin to look at the shape more accurately and for example, in a laundry clip you third the box then because in the first third the hole is or so similar, it can explain so well

More I did not say to him, only that you are not allowed to put too high demands (!), it never happens at the beginnings that something looks exactly as good as you imagined it, 2. stay free and don’t give up!, and 3.: keep your actual pictures. If in 1-2 years you bring them back and compare them with your new pictures, you will be happy that you still have them, even if they look really terrible for the moment:)

Perhaps you could also see if you find suitable tutorials, courses or contact partners, I myself am not a learned painter xD

Keep in mind, draw as much as you can and be constantly open to help! 🙂 put your most misguided pictures on the side and later take them back out to compare them and watch what you have improved.

(PS: especially in pencil drawings, you could either deal with silent (i.e. exact observation of the objects) or with the human body, for example. you can go after the proportions, ask… there are some rules, for example, that the poor go loosely to the middle of the upper leg, that is as long as the underarm etc.

Much success

2 years ago

What I can recommend is to buy you a human anatomy book, an animal lexicon and an image tape with act models. In addition, perhaps a book or expression from the Internet with human faces from different angles and with different emotions (names “facial expressions chart”) It also does a weekly calendar with 52 pin-up illustrations.

Then each day you take an animal or a human from these books as a template and draw it freely by hand (not pause, but transmit it to the drawing paper with an eye measure).

Here you look exactly where light and shadow are and try to show with the pencil. Take time for every detail and if you need several days for an illustration, then it’s just like that.

If you remember this after a few drawings, you can start combining your templates. for example, to miss the horse a horn and let one of the pin-up girls ride on the unicorn.

And at some point, you don’t need a template anymore, and you’re drawing things from your imagination.

2 years ago

Just practice and stick to it, quite honestly: drawing is a craft that you only learn by trying it out.

But I am also a terrible perfectionist, who in the end is always annoyed by some kindness. Mostly about something that nobody else notices

Good pencils and neat paper, fine erasers etc. naturally make it easier to put on paper what you thought so.

2 years ago

It doesn’t have to be embarrassing 🙂

Learning to draw comes with time… but inspiration you get on the side like Pinterest. It’s a class side for it.
I like to draw music.
To motivate you, sketch something you have fun 🙂

There are so many things you can do…

Pencil drawings are good:) There are books on drawing to learn how to learn hatched or other, but you can also get it in the internet:)

I hope I could help you a little:)

1 year ago

If you don’t trust yourself, it won’t be better. Let your imagination go. And if that doesn’t look good, you’re not the only one or the only one. I got it myself. But the most important thing is that you feel comfortable and make it fun. Just start small. For example, I started with Cartoon. You don’t need so much exercise. Later you can try harder things and get better automatically. For example, I could not draw well at that time, but now it is very easy for me to draw people. But whatever is important, your drawing needs time. Only in this way can it unfold.

hope I could motivate you

1 year ago

you can see me as a failed image you don’t like. You’d better look at it than exercise to make you better. After each picture (no matter how bad it looks for you) you will be a piece better.

Moreover, it is about implementing your ideas and you can do that best.

2 years ago

Just do it!