Möchte DKB Girokarte kündigen. Wird die irgendwofür zwingend benötigt?
Habe ein Konto bei der DKB und bin am Überlegen die Girokarte zu kündigen. Gibt es etwas, wofür die notwendig ist?
Ich nutze die Girokarte selber nicht, da ich nur in Bar bezahle und Geld mit der Visakarte abhebe. Allerdings laufen einige Abos mit Einzugsermächtigung über mein Girokonto. Ich habe da leider kein Verständnis von. Können diese Abbuchungen auch stattfinden, wenn ich nur das Girokonto habe, ohne die Girokarte?
No. I haven’t used my current card for years. The DKB Visa Debit card works everywhere as well as the current card.
Even without a current card, direct debit takes place from the bank account.
Perfect answer. They answer all questions about the current map.
You don’t need the Giro anymore.
I also strongly suspect that you made the payout so that people say “no thanks” and change to debit.
If you don’t have any cards other than the debit, I’d keep them and put them in a drawer or something, just as an emergency card if there’s something.
Debit is not accepted 100% yet and can of course also be broken, stolen etc.
Is certainly not the best emergency card, a credit card would be better to use internationally, but if you don’t have any better it would be worth considering.
In my knowledge, you need an account for such a card. If you get the card, the account is gone. So yes: as long as you have a job, apartment etc, a card with an account is mandatory. If you don’t want to use them, cut them and finish them.
1. At the DKB, the main card is the Visa Debit card. The current card is an optional additional card that costs money.
2.) Counting the current card does not dispense with the fees, other than due notice
In general, the card belongs to the account – so you quit nix, but put things at home in the drawer until you get your credit card off, or you get new. Things aren’t good.
1. At the DKB, the main card is the Visa Debit card. The current card is an optional additional card that costs money.
2.) From placing in the drawer of the current card, the fees will not be dispensed with, unlike the proper termination.
3. But at the DKB the additional current card costs fees.
Well, get away with the part.
Jo, the DKB is driving skurril. There is a current account that you can access with a current card as well as a Visa debit card.
You can cancel the cards individually without redeeming the account.