Mobbing wieder gutmachen – Erfahrungen?
Wahrscheinlich jeder von uns hat schon Schattenseiten im Leben kennengelernt. Eine davon ist Mobbing. Mobbing kann uns in jedem Lebensabschnitt wiederfahren, aber sehr oft auch in den Kindheitstagen und vor allem in der Jugend.
Die Jugend und Schulzeit ist eine sehr besondere Zeit, in der man sich und die Welt entdeckt. Mobbing nimmt einem Menschen diese besondere Zeit. Eigentlich ist es egal wann, Mobbing ist wie ein Stehlen von Leben.
Ich möchte euch gern fragen, wenn ihr Opfer von Mobbing wurdet, haben die Täter sich bei euch eigentlich jemals entschuldigt, auch wenn es erst Jahre später war?
Und umgekehrt, wenn ihr jemanden gemobbt habt. Habt ihr versucht es wiedergut zumachen oder zumindest es in Erwägung gezogen?
No, they didn’t. Except when the teachers came and thought they should apologize. What I still find ridiculous, because a forced apology is not a serious apology. At the latest the next day it went on quite normal.
The thing is also that: I doubt that they ever looked at it as bullying. I even often doubt whether it was real bullying. This is completely irrelevant. It is not about what her intention was, but about how I felt and what it did with me – even over 10-18 years later – what scars it left.
Hardly anyone excuses himself if he doesn’t realize he did something wrong.
And even if there were a few of them now, and they wouldn’t have come out with the fact that they ” didn’t know better” or “it was just fun” or “they just wanted to annoy me a little,” they wouldn’t have a way to contact me. At least not with the 100% certainty that it is also really me.
I haven’t had social media for a few years. I’ve moved at least twice since. Don’t have any friends from that time, no one who has any contact with these people.
In addition, I wouldn’t accept an apology anyway.
No, but frankly, it wouldn’t have changed much. This is stuff that happened 10 years ago and longer. An apology doesn’t change anything… honest repentance either.
But I wouldn’t see you as overdramatic. Life still consists of things other than the time in school and it consists mainly of things that are not always pleasant or beautiful. I think bullying is an experience… not good, of course. But she didn’t steal my life. A lot of what I did not do at that time and today I regretted it or simply did not. The bullying had nothing to do with that.
I was in both roles. I apologize every time I hurt someone. I think it’s easy.