Mittellos wo bekomme ich finanziell hilfe?
Hallo ich habe am 30.06.22 meine Leistungen nicht erhalten und bin derzeit mittellos ich kann meine Rechnungen nicht bezahlen und werde auch in 3 Tagen kein Essen mehr haben. Da mir mein Lebensunterhalt nicht überwiesen wurde.
Gibt es eine Möglichkeit schnell Hilfe zu erhalten? Da ich nicht weiß wie lange es noch dauert bis mein Lebensunterhalt endlich überwiesen wird.
Ich war auch heute bei der zuständigen Behörde fragen. Aber man konnte mich nur vertrösten.
Das das geprüft wird.
Ich erhalte Erwerbsminderung Rente von der deutschen Rentenversicherung.
Davon bestreite ich meinen Lebensunterhalt mein Pflegegeld wurde mir auch noch nicht überwiesen.
Da war ich heute auch schon.
Ich weiß nicht mehr weiter.
You will get food at Foodsharing for free.. You can also go to the station mission, so I have bread and coffee. if you had to see if they gave you..depending on where you live… bottle collection would still be possible to get a little meal. See if you can do something at home and put it in at Ebay classifieds.
Call the crisis service and ask her for advice…they know numbers, come by even if you want and help with finding a way….
Also in the Caritas you get good help (food, support, etc.) in such situations…
Generally, as a tip: always look for a stock….so that you’re good ninth month, better two come and always put a little money to the side…and if it’s just 2€ a week…even if you’re just taking a glass of your cents into us…Kleinvieh also mixes.
I didn’t get any money for 11/2 months…but my rent is always on the account and my storage cabinet is always well filled. You don’t have to buy everything at once and it’s better to buy in the angebut…Noodles,original soups, potatoes, flour etc…are (still) quite cheap and just ready-made products and canned be paid.
A household book can also help to get an overview of expenditure and spending information and save money with the handling method can also be hiilfreich to always have money for the most necessary…
Good luck!
Thanks for the Caritas, I’m going to watch the foodsharing right now. I had even spared at home until recently, but it was stolen to me 4 weeks ago ad and criminal application running.
Normally, I would always have a hardship in the apartment.
I also want to go to the Social Services, which may also in such cases give a loan I have at least just got as a hint of my assistant being dependent on help in everyday life due to disability.
Then a lot of success ^^ Will be done and not-growing next time beser hide or pay even better once a year a fee and rent a cash box. As I said, crisis service is always very good, as the well-connected ones…you can also repay in rates… so don’t get crazy ^^^.
Super. Never squash quickly…there is usually a solution ^^. Post is just a mailbox, so for letters…whether the lockers I don’t know, but at the bank anyway. If there is a fee once a year, but then all the important documents and perhaps also reserve money are kept, this is very good ^^^.
Thanks for the locker I haven’t gotten that I’m supposed to admit that you can believe in the mail?
I got help from the Caritas and thank God was last night with the afternoon booking the money…
Don’t you have a euro for the tables? And go to People give away food quickly and easily. Certainly in your place. There are also many Facebook groups for almost any city, already getting great things.
Thank you because I can’t because I don’t have an ID for that, but how do I do that with the electricity bill and so?
A month after the electricity goes down. You can only be hired from two. This is the legal situation.
OK thank you
Was your disability pension limited?
The pensions have already been paid out.
Normally indefinitely normal I should have gotten on 30 but so far nothing has now gotten on demand it has not been proven because it is being tested.
That’s not true. No pension insurance performance is discontinued without you being notified. The examination would take place at most for the future. It doesn’t happen either because someone writes the DRV.
For a review, you would also be enrolled, as only you can name your doctors and also need to remove them in writing from the obligation to silence.
Doesn’t seem so guaranteed.
I just called the lawyer and asked you to do it for free
Yesterday with the afternoon booking was finally my money there and last week the Caritas helped me with a bridge for luck
That’s what the lawyer told you. Just because someone tells something that the person who has no claim to EM-Rente, this is not stopped.
Outstandings cannot estimate why a pension is paid. There’s a check on the last doctor’s reports. If this indicates that the pension should be checked, the process will be initiated. I.e. you’ll get a letter first and you’ll name your doctors and also untie them from silence.
You are dependent on help in everyday life, no pension will be reduced to you.
Why do you have money for a lawyer if you can’t even buy something for dinner? It doesn’t work together.
This has also confirmed my lawyer that there must be a lead time, but he also said it is possible that the payment was already stopped on the 25th. And that’s why it came to the situation. Because they have to check if they are reported.
The fact is that the story is so wrong. Services are not simply set. This must always be announced with at least 2 months beforehand.
I have no supervisor Fact I’m sitting at the moment completely without financial means since 30.06.22
They didn’t adjust the performance. You’ll have to ask your supervisor.
Then I’ll talk to you tomorrow about something that you have to do
No, it’s two months before. Everyone’s supposed to get a cut on it. That’s a rule.
I was told the written decision comes but the mail often takes longer
What are the reasons why nothing was transferred? That’s what your specialist told you. The question cannot be answered.
Because the pension is checked my psycho neighbor has reported me now is first checked that takes time. I’ve been claiming indefinitely.
An indefinite pension must not be set simply. The insurance must inform this beforehand in writing that they intend to hire the pension.
There are also always forms where you need to enter your treating doctors and also remove the doctors from confidentiality.
This also applies to public bodies and care insurance. It is not easy to set the transfers. These places are liable for damages.
Friend question, who first stretched something?
If I had friends they could, unfortunately, my friends are also scarcely Hartz 4 or wfb and get almost nothing.
And a deposit? I wouldn’t have left. Sometimes you have to do something rabbet
Thank you very much
Thank you tomorrow I will go with my companion as a witness and will say this directly
A deposit payment is a partial payment, which is then charged with the final sum
Stop payment? Or do you mean electricity I have to pay for it?