Mittelfinger Autobahn?


Ich wurde gerade von einem Union Fan auf der Autobahn geärgert (Bin bsc Fan)

Aus Wut habe ich ihm dann den Mittelfinger gezeigt,beim vorbeifahren hat er dann irgendwas hochgehalten und ich glaube das war sein Handy.

Was hat er jetzt damit vor ?

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7 months ago

Nothing’s happening. When he goes to the police, he’s peeing himself. Mobile phone use at the tax, as well as dangerous interference in road traffic.

The highway is the very last place to play. At speeds, you play with the life of all present!

In most cases, small things are not followed anyway. I know about a cop. If everyone would show for everything and that would be accepted, that would be too much work. The authorities have a lack of personnel. It was even decided in court that most advertisements can be rejected if smaller offenses were filmed during the ride. Whether with phone or dashcam.

7 months ago

He could make a criminal application for insult with the right admission. He gets a bus money himself and a point for handling the phone while driving, but the thicker knocks you would get.

7 months ago

Maybe he’s making a criminal application with this evidence.

Finally, insult is a crime.

Why the so-called football fans must always fall into small war when 2 clubs come from the same region. And why do they know no respect?

Head shaker

7 months ago

He can show you for insult. Can to be expensive.

In return, you can also show him because of mobile phone use while driving. If it’s significantly cheaper, but at least what’s on the account in Flensburg.

7 months ago
Reply to  Topses

In return, you can also show him because of mobile phone use while driving.

He doesn’t need that, it’s all alone. But is pellet pall against the offence of insult.

7 months ago

What he does with it will only know him.

But a very plausible possibility is that he wants to make a criminal complaint. Then you’ll get mail soon.

7 months ago

Can be expensive

Show another road user the middle finger, the court can either impose a fine or even a fine of up to one year. Penalties amount to up to 4,000 €. This gesture is therefore one of the most expensive of our 5 insults in road transport.

7 months ago

Probably nothing’s going on. If so, then he has committed an offence with the use of mobile phones during the ride. So he’ll think about it.

7 months ago


A ridiculous action to intimidate you.

As you can see on the question, he has been successful. 😁

7 months ago

That was not your middle finger, of course, but your index finger – you wanted to point it to a danger.

Never in life is a mobile phone recording so good that you can prove the opposite.

7 months ago

Ads, you made yourself criminal.

7 months ago

You see again in court