Mittagessen mit Arbeitskollegen umgehen?
Wir haben eine ziemlich – sagen wir mal – “über-soziale” Bürokultur, in der jede und jeder bereits eine Stunde vor der Mittagspause eifrig gefragt wird, wo und wann er essen wird und ob man zusammen gehen möchte. Ich hingegen gehöre zu den Typen, die über Mittag einfach ihre Ruhe haben und allein sein möchten. Hinzu kommt, dass ich ohnehin Intervall-faste und deshalb erst am Abend wieder esse. Das habe ich auch schon zigtausende Male so kommuniziert, doch immer und immer wieder (!!) werde ich mit Fragen bombardiert wie z. B.:
- Wieso kommst du denn nicht mit uns? Das ist doch gemütlich und du kannst ja einfach neben uns hocken und musst nichts essen
- Wie lange fastest du schon?
- Ist das gesund?
- Ich könnte das nicht. Bist du sicher, dass es dir gutttut?
Es ist dieses übermässige Interesse an mir und meinem Essverhalten, das mir einfach den Nerv raubt und nur dazu beiträgt, dass ich über Mittag einfach meine Ruhe haben möchte. Hört mir denn niemand zu? Oder vergessen die Leute meine Antworten?
Welche Lösungen seht ihr, dass ich das ein für alle mal kommunikativ klarstellen kann? Ellbogen raus? Oder bin ich im Fehler, nicht “sozial” zu sein? Vielen Dank für die geschätzte Hilfe in dieser schier ausweglosen Situation …
Actually, it’s a nice gesture of belonging if you take something together with your colleagues, so for example lunch goes and it’s nice that they ask you again and again. This reminds me that people who do not dance are often asked more frequently than others to turn them. There seems to be something interesting about it;) So maybe you’ll even increase interest with your refusal.
Of course, it’s your decision and I can understand that you want to have your rest on MIttag. On the other hand, you naturally exclude yourself from the circle, which can affect cooperation (even if it is unfair).
I would once again explain to them that it has nothing to do with them, you need the time to recover (alone) at lunchtime and it is quite stupid at interval fasting if you are to sit with people eating something and you are not.
Then I would offer them contact alternatives: for example, that you will still meet a coffee at the end of the lunch break. Or offer that who likes, (once a week?) forgot to lunch and walk together. Or suggest you eat dinner or drink at night. With this you signal that you don’t want to completely isolate yourself, what I would advise you in the sense of cooperation, even if you have to jump over your shadow.
I’ll push the thumbs that you’ll find a good way.
Both are the case. In part, this is simply small talk and, in part, the increased social behaviour. Just kindly still reject.
With extended elbows they will probably reject you and then unfortunately not only at lunch.
Just continue to be friendly and FROH SEIN that the colleagues still continue to show interest in you and do not just exclude you
I’m not a canteen walker either. If, for example, we have a visit from colleagues from abroad, I naturally go with them – so I can at least get to know the visitors a little better. But in the normal madness of the working day, I am happy to be for me at noon. My colleague: In the meantime, this also respects.
Although a colleague was required to give me an announcement because he simply didn’t want to leave me alone and started it at least two, three times a day. Once, I even had to get him in front of the assembled team, let him finally leave this Shice!
Why don’t you just tell me you need time for lunch?
At that time, I put together a note, printed out and placed on the desk well visible! Whenever a colleague wanted to ask, I have referred to it without words with the index finger. Didn’t last long, and it’s sacked that I don’t want such a shit and need the time for me!