Mitsubishi Lancer Sportback VIII spare parts?

Hey guys, I've been having trouble repairing my car, a 2010 Mitsubishi Lancer Sportback VIII 1.5l, for a few months now because I'm missing certain parts (front bumper and left headlight).

I ordered these parts from Autodoc at the end of last year but had no opportunity to install them and the mechanics could only give me an appointment for the beginning of February.

However, it turns out that these parts don't fit (I searched extensively for the model on autodoc and they said it would fit the car. I've also ordered from there several times before without having any problems.)

I've called various mechanics, including Mitsubishi workshops, where the price is close to €1,800 for the parts alone, excluding painting and installation. Since I can't afford that, I was wondering if anyone here has any tips on where I can order suitable parts for less?

Thank you in advance for your answers.

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