Mitose Meiose?
Kurze Frage zu Schule von mir: Chromosome nach der Befruchtung sind ja zur Hälfte männliche haploide ein Chromatid Chromosome (Also einfach ein Chromatid) und zur Hälfte dasselbe von der Frau. Ich verstehe jetzt nicht ganz wie sich daraus ein voller Chromosomensatz mit 23 Chromosomenpaaren (jeweils 1 männliches und ein weibliches) entsteht… Danke!
Not chromosomes are haploid or diploid, but chromosome sets.
And chromosomes are usually monochromatic chromosomes, except in the short time between doubling in the interphase and the conclusion of the subsequent division(s).
Each germ cell contains 23 monochromatid chromosomes and the fertilized egg cell then contains 46 monochromatid chromosomes, which is the normal state of the body cells until the next division.
These 46 chromosomes are present individually and form only mentally pairs, except for the few who eventually enter the meiosis much later.
This does not result in a full (diploider) chromosome set, which is already one.
23 chromosomes are from the father, 23 from the mother and one chromosome from the father and the chromosome homologous from the mother form a chromosome pair. In total, there are 23 chromosome pairs, i.e. 46 chromosomes.
The fact that the chromosomes are 1-chromatid chromosomes does not matter, that 2-chromatid chromosomes exist only before and during a cell division by doubling each chromatid.