Mit Zahnreinigung unzufrieden?
Mir ist durchaus bewusst, dass es bei der professionellen Zahnreinigung hauptsächlich um den gesundheitlichen Aspekt geht, aber sollte nicht auch jedes mal ein optischer Effekt zu sehen sein?
Ich bin jedes Jahr mindestens zwei mal bei der professionellen Zahnreinigung und mich behandeln immer mal wieder verschiedene Prophylaxe Assistentinnen. Und nun war ich schon zwei mal bei einer, die halt zwar den Zahnstein usw. entfernt, aber nie die Verfärbungen.
Das sehe ich dann immer erst daheim, weil mir niemand dort einen Spiegel vor die Nase hält.
Und ich ärgere mich dann, weil mich die Verfärbungen einfach stören. Die tauchen halt durch Kaffee und Nikotin auf. Ist halt so.
Letztes mal war danach alles schön weiß. Und dieses mal nicht. Bei der selben Frau letztes Jahr, auch nicht.
Hat es vielleicht einen Grund, weshalb die nie die Verfärbungen entfernt?
Ich meine, es kostet mich ja schon viel Geld, jedes mal die Zähne professionell Reinigen zu lassen.
Ist es unverschämt, deshalb der Zahnarztpraxis mal was zu sagen?
No. Please complain to the dentist. In the case of a good PZR, the discolorations on the teeth must also be removed. So a good PZR should look:
Hardly accessible areas, e.g. between the teeth, we usually neglect during care. In these places there is a covering which is not removed. This also happens when you use tooth silk or even interdental brushes. Thus, the interspaces are difficult to clean.
In the case of a PZR, the first is to remove the linings on the tooth surfaces, tooth spaces and in the gum pockets with special hand instruments and ultrasound devices.
Discoloration by tea, coffee, wine or nicotine as well as other colouring foods are eliminated using a powder jet device, Air Flow. With a mixture of air, water and a cleaning powder (most of the taste you can choose) all the coatings are removed in the smallest niches. New coatings can become more difficult on smooth tooth surfaces, so the teeth are then polished smoothly with a fluoride-containing paste. Professional tooth cleaning (PZR) ends with the sealing of the teeth with a fluoride lacquer protecting and strengthening the tooth enamel.
Furthermore, what I think is important should be explained about the necessary and correct dental care at home. (if this is not done, ask for this).
A good and thorough PZR that is worth its money takes about 60 minutes.
If you don’t know: The costs for a PZR are taken over by many health insurance funds 1x annually or at least funded. Explore your health insurance.
Thank you very much for the mega post!
This time the tooth cleaning was completely different. The red powder (like sand) has completely missed. Only the dental stone was removed, then such a blue rough agent, then tooth silk, finally polished and fluoride on it.
Then I’ll have to talk to you…
And thanks for the tip with the health insurance. Let me ask
🙂 Only with the red powder can the discoloration be removed. You must be a PZR. Exception: the patient has a very advanced paradentosis with deep gum pockets.
Thanks for the star 🙂
I thank you 🙂