Mit Wohngeld muss man doch gar keine Karriere machen?

Warum sollten die Menschen sich darauf konzentrieren viel Geld zu verdienen, wenn sie sowieso mit Wohngeld aufstocken können? Dann kann man doch locker irgendein Job annehmen, ohne große Hintergedanken.

Und ist es nicht ungerecht gegenüber denen, die viel arbeiten, aber kein Wohngeld erhalten?

Nebenbei: In der Karriere geht es nicht nur ums Geld, das weiß ich. Aber meine Frage bezieht sich jetzt NUR auf Geldprobleme.

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4 months ago

Why should people focus on earning a lot of money if they can increase living allowance anyway?

If there is an existence just above the level of public money, there is an option.

However, I see a fundamental pay problem when there are people in a country who have to receive state subsidies despite a full-time job. It is not to be understood why the taxpayer must cross-subsidise the entrepreneurial inability here.

And isn’t it unfair to those who work a lot, but don’t get a living?

Not everyone wants to get a lolli as an adult like a little child and be taken to the hand. There should also be people who want more of life than half a swallow more than absolute minimum.

4 months ago
Reply to  kevin1905

why the taxpayer must cross-subsidize the entrepreneurial inability here.

This is one of the core problems of our economy. Profits are privatized, losses are socialized.

We have a snowless winter, cry the hoteliers and beg for subsidies and support. No winter sports hotelier has arrived from November to April and has offered to share the huge wins.

4 months ago

I would like to have a little more than just the most necessary. I’ve been targeting a chic new old golf for the next season.

  • The top must be new
  • Newly padded seats
  • the engine needs a overhaul
  • the work of the law
  • I got the wheels from the old
  • it needs to be repainted

yet until he stands as I like him, my idolatry will cost me a 5-digit amount.

4 months ago
Reply to  NickiLittle

makes sense about the question here, but why do you want to invest so much money in such a banal car? I’d rather buy an old-timer than an asset for the 5-digit amount. There is too much golf than that you could expect a lot of value growth.

4 months ago

Because you have a better life, you do it for you. Taking some job because you get a living and live extra at the minimum of existence is probably stupid. These people need the money and do something for it, right? In the case of a citizen’s money, it’s upset that they don’t do anything and here if someone is diligent but not enough

4 months ago
Reply to  Kallan

Who’s the state? Where does the money come from?

The state has no money, but only manages the tax revenues of society. You’re shooting yourself.

4 months ago
Reply to  Kallan

You should be grateful that we have such a system, tomorrow something can happen and you’re in the situation. In other countries you can go begging on the street

4 months ago

No, you wouldn’t get anything. And no, you couldn’t afford the apartment.

4 months ago

Should go to the questioner, incorrectly commented 🤣

4 months ago

You don’t get so much. So we have a lot more than if we had a minimum + living allowance

4 months ago

I’d rather pay some taxes than I have to be afraid. Clearly Germany is exaggerating with taxes but in large and large. My father worked completely up to his 29 years of age, then shortly before his 30 birthday disabled by a Mandelop 100% and forever in a wheelchair. Without his lawyer or in another country, he wouldn’t have anything anymore. So always be grateful.

4 months ago

if they can increase living allowance anyway? Then you can easily accept any job without great thoughts.

A purely theoretical thought: What if the ALL do? Where’s the rent coming from? This is no longer enough to help anyone out of federal, state or local resources.

And then?

It is your own commitment to earn your living as part of your health opportunities. This is not the task of society!

4 months ago

My lifestyle is too high. I want to do something great and have a pal with a big garden. I think that is not possible with housing money

4 months ago
Reply to  Kallan

No, fortunately I’m not dependent on it

4 months ago

If you don’t deserve that you have to grow up with housing money you won’t suddenly get mega big sums ^^

That’s nothing that’s kind of satisfying… it’s just enough for the most necessary.

I think that should be an incentive, who wants to live in poverty.

4 months ago

Residential money is not always much and if you have too little for everything

4 months ago
Reply to  Kallan

What kind of example?

4 months ago

Why should people focus on earning a lot of money if they can increase living allowance anyway?

Because it’s not enough for them to live somewhere? Perhaps they also want to finance clothing, car, holiday, restaurant visits, hobbies, entertainment electronics and concert visits? Maybe they want a bigger apartment in a better location?

And isn’t it unfair to those who work a lot, but don’t get a living?

No. This is how Solidarity works. It is also not unfair that cancer patients get paid by my health insurance fund cancer drugs and I get nothing as good as I can, because I have been healthy for decades.


4 months ago

Andersrum: I do a job I like to do – the money is there.

4 months ago

Even with housing and small job, my living standards would be significantly lower and I just don’t want to.

4 months ago

If you earn so little that you depend on housing money, you can’t make big jumps. There should be more demands.

4 months ago

Residential allowances only get people who do not exceed a certain income limit.

4 months ago

The money is only enough to live, but not to live!

4 months ago

Because you can’t live decent today. After all, many people have goals which cost a lot of money. With housing money you cannot reach their goals for many people. In addition, we must not forget that things become more expensive, so that today’s wages are soon starving.

4 months ago

If you are “stocked” you are still at the edge of the minimum of existence despite work.

I don’t like everyone.

4 months ago
Reply to  Kallan

Why live? No need for housing without life.

4 months ago
Reply to  Kallan

What do you think is living money?

4 months ago
Reply to  Kallan

That’s DEINE’s decision. This does not apply to JEDEN.