Mit wilden Tieren arbeiten?
Also ich habe eine Doku gesehen da hat ein Mann mit Löwen gekuschelt und er hat sich um sie gekümmert auch andere Tiere. Sie waren wild und sie haben ihn total geliebt und sie waren irgendwie eins und ich glaube sie konnten sich richtig verstehen! Der Löwe hat sich gefreut als der Mann kam und ist zu ihm gerannt und hat sich kraulen lassen wie eine Katze!
Meine Frage ist wie heißt der Beruf was der Mann gemacht hat, also wie nennt man das wenn man sich so um die wilden Tiere kümmert? Ich will das auch werden und arbeitet man da dann in Afrika oder woanders? Dankeeee 🦊🐻🐼🐨🐯🦁💙
That was Kevin Richardson. But he also raised the lions from small and knows exactly their behavior. But he also says that such lions are even more dangerous for foreign people than wild lions. These lions don’t know a barbarity in front of people and would attack strangers quite quickly when they get close to them. He’s called the lion’s whisper. Often such lions used to humans are more dangerous than wild for outstanding. Wild lions are more likely to get people out of the way or warn furious about an attack. These people are used to attack without warning when you approach them and don’t really know them. Also valid for tigers and other cats.
The lion whisper | Adventure Life – daily
Or here tigers used to people and cars in safari park
Safari Park in China: Tiger attacks tourists – One dead and two injured
Thank you
If that’s a job, it’s called animal nurses.
And with such animals, you can only do this if you have them in care right after birth. Then the animals accept people like a member in the herd.
If you are really interested in the animal care profession, watch the TV shows: Giraffe, Nashorn & Co and other similar broadcasts. I like to look at them and more often, are very interesting and should also like you.
Jaaa I will watch the show I must not look so much but Dokus always go thank you and I think I want to be a nurse!
But that’s a little embarrassment if you think wild animals are cuddly animals.
This is usually the animals that some of them care for small and the animals have become used to humans, but they are and remain wild animals.
Think of Roy from America who, together with his partner, raised white lions and at some point the fun was over.
If you’re interested in animals, you can read this and also what conditions you need to bring. However, you also need the Finnish resources if you want to work abroad (flight and and and).
You can start with the animal shelter here, would also be a good idea that is also happy if someone helps them.
or ask Zoo’s if you can do an internship to get in.
Can I start at the shelter or do I need my parents and what is an internship? Thank you
First of all what an internship is
Then a small tip: if you don’t know what many words mean, then you can look on the Internet and the more you look there, the more you can acquire knowledge.
If you’re still going to school, go by with your parents and ask.
You don’t need any experience with animals, just be at least 13 years old (going and post-control first from 18 years old) and desire to have animals Help.” Hey, from When help is of Animal shelter to Animal shelter different. Going with dogs Gassi is usually up to 18.
But they’re not gonna give you dogs to go out. But you can see what work it does to work with animals.
This should be done by children who want a dog or another pet.
So thanks only from 13 my brother is already 13 I can ask if he does it and then I can just come along and yes I look now for words with Google you are love
It’s good for years. Then a moment of carelessness, a false movement/handling and the predator follows his natural instincts and attacks.
This experience has to be done by all who work with wild animals (bears, cats, etc.).
Oh, I hope this doesn’t happen so often I’d take care of the animals that’s already happened to everyone?
It can, but it doesn’t have to happen. This also includes learning to read the body language of the animals. Not always should you do it, even if you like it. And attention – animals are not toys – wild animals are not at all.
That was a nature reserve and he’s known the lions since they were small. Man can volunteer in animal reserves or aid organisations in Africa but the least have body contact with the animals. If you’re not there for ever, most of the time you take away the animal’s dirt that are currently well-kept and prepares food. There are some docus that I’d look at, then you’ll rethink the job desire again.
Thank you, what’s the name of these docus or what do I have to admit that I find them?
I’ll see what a nature reserve is I want to work there too! For me it wouldn’t be bad to make dirt and to make food, but I also want to touch her then at some point and so from baby to whom they are used to me because I love all animals!
This is probably not going to happen because you’re just helping out there, and no animal is being allocated to young people, because this is a lot of responsibility. You don’t get any money to work there, so what do you want to live on? And if you love all the animals you should be aware that it is not great for a wild animal you are touched by people and an animal that lives from small to humans has lost his mother and will never be able to live properly free. You are confronted with tragic animal fates every day and you have to see because you can really do little against the wilderness in Africa.
The situation with the lions you have in your head is unique in the world, he is lucky that it is so, but even if he had the choice he would “see his” lions rather than part of a natural pack in real freedom
I don’t know what exactly the docus are called by chance.
You have to name Kevin Richardson and devote his entire life to the animals. Then this is no longer a profession, but a vocation. Kevin bought the land for his lions and allowed them a life “like” in freedom.
zoologists, focus on ethology; Ranger/Wildkeeper.
Thank you, this is just another word for animal nurses or something else?