Mit wieviel ccm empfehlenswerter wheelies üben?
Hallo liebe Community !
Ich habe schon seid einigen Monaten den A1 Schein und hab momentan die neuste Fantic (Fantic xmf 125 4 Takt)
Ich werde mir aber voraussichtlich zu meinem 18 Geburtstag Bzw sobald ich den A2 Schein habe, die Husqvarna 701 holen.
Jetzt even meine Frage:
Ich will Bzw werde zu 100% mit der 701 wheelies machen aber wollte fragen, ob’s schlauer wäre, jetzt schon mit meiner 125er wheelies zu lernen oder doch eher mehr noch auf die 701 zu warten und dann mit der anzufangen…?
Hat jemand von euch schon so eine ähnliche Erfahrung oder Tipps, wie’s man am leichtesten hat ?
Danke für eure Antworten im Voraus!
So I’ve got the previous model Fantic 125 Enduro, I already drove 690 and exc, and the more power you’ve got the easier it gets. At 125ccm, you can’t balance yours with performance. But if you can hald with 125ccm wheelies, the 701 is absolutely easy to wheel. But the falls will now hurt more in your price class as it is your first motorcycle
So I’d practice with your fantic if you ever fell there, it would probably not be as expensive as the 701. Sure with the 701 it’s easier to get up, but if you’re using the Fantic to compensate for the wheelie, then it’s easier with the 701 later. One point to start with the Fantic is that at the 701 the tank is at the rear and it can start to burn faster when you hit the rear.
It doesn’t matter what machine you’re doing Wheelies. In all, fork, steering head bearings, clutch etc. will break sooner or later.
Yeah, it’s always the risk…
but that has not answered my question 🙂
the question was with what it is more smart to learn and not what it can ruin all;)
It would be smart to visit a wheelie school or to let the crap happen right away.
If you want to get rid of the 125s for some good money, leave this wheelie. You scrape your bearings. That’s what you’ll notice when you get a sample.
For the 701s, hopefully you’re grown up enough to let that happen.
Yes I believe I will make it the same at 701 :/
but still thanks at least for the tip with the 125s! 🤟🏽🥴
small tipp, backpack with 30kg stone on the back then it goes on the front lighter high,lach
Nice one 🐢
Learn it with the 125er
When you read such questions, you can only say …. Unreliably lets greet …. you should never give a driving licence in your hand.
just because you want to have your fun driving? You don’t know how stupid statements are like “you should never put your driver’s license in your hand” if you have no idea where and how I learn it 🙂
And unfortunately has not answered the question :/