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| German pension insurance ( Enter your date of birth.
But don’t leave and check again in 20 years.
According to the previous pension rules with 63 – albeit with corresponding bschläge.
Depends on your birth year and month
And whether there is an impairment or not.
You’ll probably be lucky to have some progress in medicine and have the chance to become 100. Everyone should be aware that the retirement age must be raised. Only does it not say a politician because they always think until the next election.
The other question is whether, in 50 years, when the 16-year-old reaches today’s retirement age, one still has to work in the form of today, or whether AIs take over a large part of administration and production, and from the generated profits a kind of citizen money is paid, and one can decide more flexibly how much one works.
I will certainly not smoke 100 as much as I
Stand today with 67.
No, stand today from 63 with knocks. Previous
And if he completely dispenses with pension insurance payments, he can still retire today.
Deductions, disability or reduction in employment were not part of the question.
70 probably.
Normal with 65 years
Normally at 65 years, but who knows how this is until then.
With 65 years