Mit wie viel geld traden?
Hallo ich trade so mit 400 Euro aber da ist der Gewinn wirklich schwach, wenn man so 5 Prozent Gewinn hat was selten ist sind des vlt 70 Euro ubd 5 Prozent ist ja selten, sagen wir mal so 1 Prozent Gewinn des sind vlt 10 Euro und ich möchte damit wirklich Geld verdienen aber 10 Euro ist so schwach wenn ich seh das manche an einem tag 2000 oder sogar mehr machen? Wie geht das oder wie viel investieren?
Then save 10,000€ and you can earn a lot more money than lose.
1% at 400€ are 10€? Yeah.
Consider that those who earn 2k/day also lose part again. After 20 trading days (1 month) vllt 15-25k remains over (which is still good, but not as much as it seems at the beginning)
To earn 2k a day are many factors with one to calculate. On the one hand, your trades a day, your hit rate, your CRV, your risk and your account size. If you know all this, you can individually calculate how large your account must be to earn 2k a day.
In principle, however, I would say you need to generate the 80-160k by 2k a day. But surely goes with a little less than 80k. With me, profits of 800-1600 per trade are inside. Losses are 800 and I have an 80k debt account. So I need more than 80k.
This is a good question, but the answer depends on many factors, including your willingness to risk, your trading style, your experience and your market understanding. Here are some points you should note:
1. Risk management: Before considering how much money you want to invest, it is important to have a sound risk management. This means you invest only a certain percentage of your total capital in a single trade to limit your risk. A common advice is not to risk more than 1-2% of your capital per trade.
Two. Trading strategy: Do you have a clear trading strategy? Successful traders often have a proven strategy that they consistently apply. Without a solid strategy, it is difficult to achieve consistent profits.
3. Capital size: The bigger your trading capital, the bigger your profits can be. However, a greater capital also means a higher risk if you do not act responsibly.
4. Risk-return ratio: It is important to enter trades with a good risk return ratio. This means that the potential profit target is greater than the potential loss. A ratio of at least 1:2 is often sought.
Five. Experience and training: Successful trading requires time, patience and education. Invest in your training and keep training to improve your skills.
There is no uniform answer to the investment sum. Some traders start with small amounts and build up their capital over time through consistent profits and reinvestment. Others may start with larger amounts to achieve greater profits, but are also exposed to higher risk.
I hope I could help you.
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