Mit wem würdet ihr eher einen romantischen Abend verbringen wollen?
Victoria Justice
Luisa Neubauer
Victoria Justice
Luisa Neubauer
Ich bin immer wieder in einem inneren Zwiespalt mit mir selbst. Einerseits habe ich den Anspruch, aus meinem Leben viel zu machen. Das heißt eine gute Karriere, einen guten Job, ordentlich Geld verdienen und eventuell auch an Status zu gewinnen. Was wiederum bedeutet, dass man viel Arbeiten muss. Andererseits kommt auch immer wieder der Gedanke,…
Eine aus meine Klasse hat gesagt das sie für eine Lehrerin schwärmt, ist das überhaupt verlieben? Und ist es schlimm?
Das ist sozusagen eine Person des öffentlichen Lebens, sesshaft in Braunschweig und ja.
Hallo meine Schwägerin meinte ich wär komisch und war beleidigt, weil ich nicht wollte dass sie meine Sachen anfässt oder meine Produkte die im Bad stehen benutzt. es hat aber nichts mit ihr zu tun , ich mag es generell nicht wenn man an meine Sachen geht diese anprobiert oder Produkte benutzt die mir gehören….
Hallo, Ich hätte an alle mal eine Frage! Ich wohne in Österreich und möchte mal mit einem abgeschlossenen Ausbildung nach Japan zu ziehen und dort zu studieren für 2-3 Jahren. Natürlich bis dahin werde ich so gut wie geht die Sprache lernen und mich sehr über das Land informieren. Ich werde auch bestimmt an Sprach…
I don’t know much to talk to a US fan, even if that wasn’t the language barrier.
Luisa Neubauer might not be so telegenic, but also not so thundered and would like a lot better from the guy. Joint discussion topics would not be difficult to find.
Both are a little too young for me.
I find optically more beautiful and above all the language barrier is also omitted here, because we both have German as a native language.
We don’t have to talk about the climate because we wouldn’t come to a common denominator. You can have different fun.
Boah, I loved the series Victorious and Tori I always found a hot actress.
If I had the opportunity, I’d be with her coffins and coffins, that’s clear.
Both are very attractive, I can only decide if I know more about both. But probably rather Luisa, because I would like to help protect the environment and I don’t speak very well English, so could not communicate very well with Victoria – unless she can German.
The only US actress who can probably be German is Sandra Bullock; she grew up here and has a German mother.
I know ^^ Have already seen some videos on it and find the really cool ^^
It’s not about the environment, it’s about climate.
(Yes, this is a very big difference. Many things can be changed in the environment, but not in the climate!)
I am not lesbian so it won’t be a romantic evening but would like to meet Victoria Justice as I find the series where she has played interesting and would like to ask her about her role
Zb whether she really understands herself well with her “friends”
Or whether there were disputes on the set
Besides, it’s interesting to know how she’s really on it
Even the actor in real different look is not unusual
The second is more beautiful
That was just my opinion honestly, Victoria is a bit more pretty and can start with her more as I don’t really know the second
No, she’s not lol
That’s your own opinion. I find Victoria more pretty, not necessarily on the photo, but she’s just very pretty for me.
The second looks more sensible and sweeter for me. 🙂
You can handle this, I’ll do it differently:D
I have said that everyone has a different opinion that needs to be accepted.
Define romantic evening?
With 👌👈, I would have both data. Attractive are both
Find both beautiful but luisa more natural.
I think Victoria is very sympathetic and incredibly pretty. And I love her voice
Does this Victoria Justice have anything interesting and smart to tell?
I don’t think so.
I don’t know Victoria Justice. That’s enough for her to prefer Luise Neubauer. I’d just get into my hair with him.
Both terrible;-)
None of them.
Romantic? And talk about climate change? It’s like fire and water!
Then vote for Victoria 😀
Sorry! I don’t know them.
Nothing against Victoria Justice, but Luisa has the little sparks charm more in my eyes…
I don’t know anything about both women. On the basis of the photo, Viktoria seems to me much more cheerful and confident. I love strong women.
Also,if I’m straight,Luisa is already sweet,jawoll .
I don’t know how to answer the question. Optisch tells me Luisa Neubauer already more, but she has a huge roof damage.
Previously a Peyton List Fan
She looks nice
very clear victoria
Victoria Justice is simply beautiful, sympathetic, funny and super hot. And who is Luisa Neubauer?
what else.
Dear smart women!