Mit welchen “Sanktionen” werdet ihr erzogen?
Ich bin selbst 15.
Möglichkeit 4 und 5 gehen gar nicht.
Ich bin selbst 15.
Möglichkeit 4 und 5 gehen gar nicht.
Hallo, an die Wissenschaftler unter euch, wie groß war die Wahrscheinlichkeit beim Urknall, dass Menschen entstanden sind. Ich habe irgendwo gehört, dass wenn nur ein Molekül nicht an einer bestimmten Stelle oder so gewesen wäre damals,, dass ein Mensch nie entstanden wäre. Könntet ihr es ausführlich erklären bitte?
Seid ihr froh, dass ihr keine Geschwister hattet bzw. hattet ihr dadurch eine bessere Kindheit? Oder seid ihr traurig, dass ihr keine Geschwister hattet? Was denkt ihr, ist es schöner Einzelkind zu sein oder mit Geschwistern aufzuwachsen? Was sind eure Erfahrungen?
hab einen harmlosen Unfall gehabt mit den Auto , war angetrunken und meine Tochter war dabei:(. Jetzt hat mir das Jugendamt den Umgang auf begleiteten Umgang reduziert. Meine Tochter will aber hier sein. Kann man gegen diese Maßnahme vorgehen? Und wird der Umgang wieder normal so wie immer nach den begleitenden Umgang ?
Most of the time there was PC and TV ban on me, sometimes also “Stubenarrest” then usually only for special dates such as no visit to the zoo or not meet with friends or so
As a punishment, it’s usually over my knee. This is still quite common in the Czech Republic and also allowed. Many buddies went or are still the same. Personally, this is better than a house arrest, cell phone/PC ban or contact ban to my mates. It hurts much, but after that the air is cleared, forgotten and forgiven, and life can continue normally. And my bad conscience I’ve been crying out LOL I’ve helped the strict upbringing here, otherwise I would have just flew from school but totally slipped away. I don’t say that this or any particular educational style must be the same for everyone, according to the rule “one fits all”, but I can say good conscience, it really helped me and does it still, and just as I see it with my mates here. I don’t want to write a novel. The shouting of my opinion will probably be huge if someone reads it. But everyone must have the same opinion. (I am, by the way, m/16, and no, I have not done any mental damage…) xD
It’s like bro. I came from Russia with my family 10 years ago (with 6) and sleep as an education was so normal for me. I really thought that’s all right.
I grew up in principle without punishments and bans.
It worked very well, I mean.
Anything. So the lightest is pocket money withdrawal or house arrest if it is not weeks. But above all from my father there are also beatings such as earpants or belt beats. I actually find 16 you are too old but what should I do 🤷 ♂️
The last time I got a fight from my father with 17.
Hello I had been put by my mother every day over my knee because I was quite disliked because my mother had put me regularly over my knees and then put me with the cooking spoon so hard naked ass then towards evening my father came home from work he had pulled me on my ears then put me over my desk and pulled my pants down the underwear too and me with his belt open naked ass he had always put me down
If I do what I can’t do, I’m too freaky or there’s trouble for school.
If I almost always get the Po charred and often I can’t get out
It’s been a couple of weeks now, but with 16 again, “back on it!”
It’s the same with me. What are you gonna do?
Bamboo tube from the flowerpot, hurts a lot!
There’s another 16 in the back. Then I’m sure you don’t have the hand anymore!?
actually more the butt charred like Stubenarrest. I’d rather be a mare. It’s a little pain than hanging in the bud.
That’s what I used to see.
I’m 17 and that’s how it was with me when I messed up.
If I’m messing up there’s the ass, and that’s really M15
Most of the time there were a few days television ban
I’ll be stolen from my dad if I did something.
If I don’t hear I just feel
You understand this language very well, do I borrow it right?
Less screen time
Nothing. Never needed.
Luckily nothing of all.
In addition, there was house arrest
Eh several of them lol
My mother’s gonna sneak the Po…
As a child, my toys were thrown into the garbage. As a teenager, I was insulted and forced to go outside.
Nothing of it
Nothing really
No one at all?
The backful, which has been proven for generations, has also led me to insight and improvement of behavior. Spencer educational measures now work best