Mit welchen Füllungen bzw. Cremes lassen sich mehrstöckige Torten am besten stapeln?
Bei mehrstöckigen Torten sollte die Creme möglichst fest und stabil sein, damit die Torte nicht einsackt. Eine gute Möglichkeit wäre Buttercreme, jedoch mag nicht jeder Buttercreme. Habt ihr weitere Ideen?
Instead of creams, it is also possible to take perfumed jams/geles.
For example, cherry jam with maraschino, apricot with apricot liqueur, to taste/paste also rum, cognac, oranges/rose blossom water. … Best for the lowest tort and then with a solid ground (sand mass)
Otherwise also Ganache.
I thought of pistachio-ganache; prepare white chocolate gooseache with pistachio cream and take as filling. But I am not sure whether it would be too sweet as a filling
If you like it 🤷
I’ve already filled Macarons, and the bowls are even sweeter than a floor.
You don’t have to hit the cake with Fondant, that would probably be grossly sweet 🥴
I’m not a fan of butter cream and goose is there the best alternative I think… or I’ll take the German butter cream 🤷 ♀️ ne the cake is smashed with butter cream not hit with fondant.
Try to install one or more soils from Meringue and the individual cakes and crème on it.
Vanillacrème, for example
Multi-storey cakes should always have a support inside – the cake itself can never be so firm that there is nothing.
It is supported anyway it makes sense to choose solid creams