Mit welchen Einstellungen macht man ein Auto Bild so richtig realistisch?

Ich sehe viele Fotografen auf instagram und frage mich, mit welchen Punkten in der Bearbeitung man ein Auto realistisch wirken lassen kann

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2 months ago


you learn image editing, so easy.

This is a bit more than a few points.

There are many good books, making learning easier, and it is more successful.

2 months ago


you simply photograph cars “realistic” or “hyperrealistic”. This has been done in advertising/transportation since 1930.

The Maybach installed a photo laboratory at Daimler/DMG in Cannstatt-Seelberg at 1890 and set up several “Werksfotografen” among other things about documenation and material research. The DMG bought a Goertz/Anschütz serial camera in 1890s and a Nettel Stereo Deckrullo for the Mercedes Sportwagensparte.

A photographer only photographs. Image editing does not make a photographer. This is the job or the work of graphic artists

2 months ago

Define “just realistic”.

To do this, one should also know how DEINE images differ from them.

It can be at exposure, color saturation, image sharpness, etc. An example of your role models and what you create yourself would have been helpful.