Mit welchen Aquarien pflanzen/ Bewohnern lässt sich GELD verdienen?


Welche Pflanzen (Welche sich OHNE Dünger, CO2 Anlage etc. gut vermehren lassen sich gut verkaufen?

Welche Fische ///Welse,Garnelen und vor allem Schnecken/// lassen sich ebenfalls gut, einfach und ohne aufwand vermehren und verkaufen ?

ABER: Es sind mehrere Betta Splendens Becken mit 40 Liter. UND: Uns ist klar, das wir nicht reich werden ,ABER wir wollen dadurch die Futterkosten begleichen😁


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4 years ago

In fact, for useless plants, which grow like weeds, there are hardly any customers who want to pay for it.

And even for fish that can be multiplied and raised without great effort, there are hardly any new owners.

In addition, it is necessary to find customers in the area, as plants and fish can be dispatched by mail throughout the country. Therefore it is also so difficult to find people who come to pick up 08/15 plants/fish and pay for it.

Who once wanted to reduce his fish stock and searched for buyers through forums will know that one can often only give away the animals with luck. If the customer is accommodating, you might get a small compensation for the feed fund.

I believe that one has to pay for such a project. I would therefore rethink the idea of revising the “Futterkasse” with 08/15 plants and animals.

4 years ago
Reply to  Mensch87

Very fast therefore also the name waterpest.

4 years ago
Reply to  Mensch87

It can grow very quickly under the right conditions. But unstressed plants also need light and correct fertilization… as a single, missing plant nutrient often leads to the growth standstill of the water plant… and instead suddenly sprinkle algae.

I care in some of my aquariums Hornkraut. A subtle, fast-growing and stressless plant. With me this plant grows about 30 cm within about 2 weeks with good care. But just… you still have to care for her… the plant already took care of me because I didn’t realize that the nitrate value in the basin was suddenly no longer detectable.

4 years ago

I see that the light is optimal, make regular water changes and fertilizers with the necessary nutrients. Due to longer experience, I also often recognize which nutrients are missing when certain crop growth occurs.

And I regularly cleared out and stubble the plums back so that they can grow vigorously.

Actually, no witchcraft… but sometimes fingertip feeling is very useful.

It is best to try out and gain experiences.

4 years ago


4 years ago

None! You’ve got a plant in the water for 5 months because it doesn’t get oxygen. When light and pump runs, it costs more than the 3€ you would get for the plant!

1 year ago

Bucephalandras 😀

They are unclaimed and already sold out in many shops;)

I am multiplying the kedagang

There are already 5,00€ ^^