Mit welchem Mailprogramm arbeitet Ihr – welches könnt Ihr empfehlen?
da ich es leid bin meine Mails über den Browser zu bearbeiten – auf dem Handy irgendwie immer es recht umständlich ist: Die Frage an die “Profis”.
Mit welchem Mail-Programm arbeitet Ihr – und vielleicht auch warum gerade mit diesem?
Normal Gmail or Outlook I find good.
I’ve also thought about Outlook. Thank you.
I use Outlook and can recommend Outlook 🙂
Mfg Jannick (L1nd)
Thanks for the tip!
Thunderbird, 20 years ago…
Free and has everything I need. I also have several email accounts in there and synchronization to Google Calendars…
Why I have 3 mailaccounts with various folders that I have super listed here can move messages by drag and drop.
Oh – that can also be multiple mails? That sounds good. Thanks for the tip!
It is also super easy to use for free. This also has the space two to Outlook and easy to set up To do this, the IMAP no longer needs, which you also find online.
Is for example from then
Merci! I will test and give a feedback!
Outlook 🤷
Here at MS 365
I want to test Outlook – and I didn’t know Thunderbird until today. Thank you.
Microsoft Outlook
I’ve been using it for 20 years.
Thank you. I have to deal with it….
I use the Seamonkey browser package for retrieval and editing.
e.g. GMX
I use a Google Workspace and the corresponding Google Mail Apps & Webmails.