Mit welchem Brennprogramm arbeitet ihr [UMFRAGE]?
Hey, Es gibt ja über 100 Brennprogramme die man Benutzen kann welches Brennprogramm benutzt ihr? Falls ihr mal eine DVD Brennt oder CDs
Schreibt gerne welche Firma z.b Ashampoo Burning Studios und warum ihr es Benutzt. [UMFRAGE]
Meanwhile I don’t even burn on DVD/CD anymore. It doesn’t make any sense for me anymore.
I used to have the open-minded K3b and was very satisfied with it.
I don’t know xD
Is also Linux ^^
What else should you use?
Okay, BSD still goes, but Android does not support corresponding devices, and the remaining running operating systems limit their users massively in use and/or privacy.
This is still sensual for important data. So for things you want to have in 20 years, such as videos/pictures with memorable value.
There are only relatively few long-term data backup media. And DVD RAM is probably the easiest and most affordable.
If there are still functioning reading devices :/ Otherwise I agree with your statement, so I have written “for me”.
This will be exhausting 😀
Of course they are. In all those years where there are DVDs, I only saw a handful of defective devices. And that was like a CD that is “exploded” in the running gear, so you just have to keep the devices you have.
The best was one of Sony’s delivered with the burner. It was still on Windows XP.
I’ve been needing Nero since then.
An ancient Nero that still runs without problems. Even under W10
Uii What Nero version?
Nero 7
I don’t know. But I can so kindly use this thing on my retro, semi-retro and new computers. And don’t need 5 versions of the mord’s.
Oha Krass
Such old cucumbers still running ^^ Even on Win10
Safe under 11
Right. Is jetz good 17 years old the version…before under Win 98. This is called sustainability:D
So Nero Burning Rome 7?
Since Windows has been a burning function, I see no reason to use an extra program.
No more. In the last CD/DVD or even the blue rays I created 10 years ago.
On Windows Nero, under Linux Brasero
Ah Nero I also see Cool ^^
And that, although the imperial namemaker was not really guilty of the fire of Rome…
if I’m still burning a CD or DVD at all.
Who’s burning CDs?
I have my iPhone with Apple Music
The one who knows that the normal user has no long-term data backup medium burns to DVD RAM (not ROM).
And this can deal with all the assemblage programs I’ve made for the years and make music from it? Optical media are not only music, movies and games.