Mit welchem Alter das erste Mal zum Frauenarzt?
Was wäre sinnvoll?
Hab seit fast 5 Jahren meine Tage
Was wäre sinnvoll?
Hab seit fast 5 Jahren meine Tage
Hallo Zusammen, ich habe seit über einem Jahr starke Probleme mit meiner Blase. In den kälteren Monaten mehr als im Sommer. Ich habe immer mal wieder eine Blasenentzündung (mal mehrmals die Woche, dann mal wieder etwas Ruhe). Ich war mehrfach deswegen bei meinem Haus-/ & Frauenarzt aber keiner konnte mir wirklich helfen. Ich trinke jeden…
Hallo zusammen, Mein Freund und ich hatten am letzten Wochenende Gv, dabei ist das Kondom gerissen. Wir haben es direkt bemerkt, jedoch bin ich mir trotzdem unsicher und würde daher einen Test machen. Morgen wäre der erste Tag meiner Periode, allerdings bin ich mir unsicher, ob ich dann schon testen sollte, falls sie ausbleibt, da…
Hallo liebe Community, ich kriege sehr oft gesagt, dass ich hässlich bin und wollte wissen ob das stimmt [Bild entfernt]
Was sagt ihr?
Hallo, ich wollte fragen, was genau bei einer Untersuchung vom Hormonhaushalt bei der Frauenärztin passiert. Also wird da nur Blut abgenommen oder noch andere Sachen? Danke
If you’ve been getting your days so early, you should definitely discuss it with a female doctor. A premature use of puberty (pubertas praecox) often leads to acne and overweight.
I got both and I still got both
Then I would strongly recommend you to go to the doctor
Overweight could also be genetic or because of my thyroid gland
As long as you don’t have anything, you don’t have to go, but if you’re sexually active, it makes sense to go to the check-up once a year. Or just if you want to avoid condoms.
Because you have menstrual complaints and got your days very early, you should go quietly.
If I were your mother, you would have been there five years ago.
By starting the period you should start the topic slowly. Because if problems occur, you have some security and a point of contact beforehand.
I was there with 14/15.
I have a pretty strong breathing pain but this is normal
is with 12 or 13 too soon?
Try magnesium & iron, which helps against cramps
Strong regular pain is not normal. Especially when you have to resort to medicines and limit them a lot in everyday life.
You’ve written that you’ve had your days for five years. Then you’re not 12/13?
You should let that go, maybe a cyst or other illness.
not at the moment
but last weekend when I had my days, I had severe dizziness
Confus. That’s why.
Do you have any complaints now?
This is extremely rare. And there’s never a doctor looking at it?
was almost 8
With 7 you got your days?
am mai 2010 born
and ahb since 02.01.2018 my days
With 21 idR is the first screening. Before, it only makes sense to oppose complaints or to prevent them.
You need to know that yourself. I’ve never been there because I haven’t had any reason to do so.
Annual pension is extremely important
Start looking from 21 and even if someone decides against it, that is their decision. You have the right to not know
I don’t care
Besides, it would be better to have cancer and not to know it than to know.
I see no reason to go there and I know enough about contraception
This is not about compulsion.
I had 17-20 cervical cancer.
Regardless of this, it is totally counterproductive only so late to start with it. Then complaints arise and you have no doctor or experience with it.
In youth, the gynecologist also advises on prevention and various methods.
Then calibre
then do not cry when you have cancer
It’s up to you when you want to become a female doctor. At least, if you want the pill.