Mit Weed aufhören?
Ich habe mit 18 ungefähr angefangen zu smoken und seitdem ich 20 bin rauche ich täglich mehrere joints, inzwischen bin ich 24 und möchte davon wegkommen, kann aber keine Therapie oder so anfangen. Habt ihr irgendwelche Tipps wie ich am besten wieder clean werden kann oder Tipps wie ich trotz Konsum mein Leben auf die Reihe bekomme?
Maybe go to the Anonymous Alcoholics. The time you lose through the ciffs you get back 10 times and you’ll probably take them up with the problem. Doesn’t have to subjugate you to God. But then you have a group that wants to be sober.
Here are some tips on the topic:
Please also consider talking to professionals about it. The advice is confidential and non-binding.
Good luck!
So either you want it so badly, you just stop. Otherwise, I would just reduce so you get used to smoke less. Then I would try to distract myself a lot and also communicate clearly in the circle of friends, etc. That nothing is offered to you, and above all that you don’t get to chill, because then you say yes again:D
The setbacks are also normal that it doesn’t work out like this or that you smoke again after a week or so, but if you keep reducing and looking for alternatives (No OTHER ACTIVITIES BITTE :D) that distract you can do that.
I once heard that the “youth monster” is only 20 minutes active when it asks for “satisfaction” and you have to survive these 20 minutes. In the beginning, maybe more often a day, but that makes it go. Hope you can help.