Mit was ist so ein Bauteil bezeichnet; Anschluss externes Laufwerk?
wenn ein externes Laufwerk an einem PC betrieben wird, so ist es in der Regel eine normale Festplatte welches nur an einem externen Gehäuse untergebracht ist.
damit das externe Gehäuse mittels USB an einem PC angeschlossen werden kann, so muss das Laufwerk im Gehäuse an einem Bauteil angeschlossen werden, eine Art Controller oder so etwas.
Kann mir jemand die Bzeichnung nennen wonach ich googlen muss?
You probably mean a controller card.
Here are some Besipiele at Ebay: interface controller card/90715/bn_678116
If only a USB connection is present, no additional power supply is not “so it is usually a normal hard drive“.
Thus, a USB 3.x hard drive will not work properly on a USB 2.x if at all.
Maybe look for “Controllerplatine for external drives”.
Do the different tensions have to make them unsection properly?
Normal hard drives yes, usually 12 and 5 volts.
USB 2.x delivers only 5V with 500mA = 2.5 Watt
USB 3.x also delivers 5 V but with max. 900 mA = 4,5 Watt
Accordingly, the external without additional power supply must of course have converters and corresponding circuit boards which are configured according to the power (watt).
Previously there were “hard disk housing, external” also via USB, but this was only used for data transmission. Power was supplied by power supplies. Here it was usual to use normal hard drives. Were usually quite cloby.