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Öffentlicher Bus?
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It’s just fun if you can sit in front and talk to bus drivers
Car stop if must be (load transportation, smooth ice, passenger, company car etc)
I find very relaxing. but for routes where only a few lanes or buses drive, I prefer to take the car.
Do you love railroad? 😇
I would not like to call this now, but I find it very pleasant to travel with – especially on longer stretches.
You can forget the Öffis in the country, especially in my working hours and car, only if it is raining or frosted
The Öffis.
By train. So I can answer spontaneously, that would not be possible at the tax.
I like driving a car. A good means of transport if you want to get from A to B.
But motorbike driving is more fun.
I prefer to move in the fresh air by bicycle and save a lot of money.
In beautiful weather with the bicycle and in rain with the tram.
Motorcycle driving makes a huge amount of fun
In summer my 650 ninja, in winter my Ford Fiesta
In my place only the bike.
Most likely with the motorcycle.
By car
Total Öffis.
In summer motorcycle, in winter car
Most likely by bike.
100 times better
very happy even
With big and small trains…
It’s just more comfortable than a motorcycle