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2 years ago

Depends on how you learn most… just try to learn more about it, or you start learning a few basic chords, and then the more you can see which borrower you can play with it, and then perfect it, and if you can start something straight a new heavier

2 years ago

The easiest thing is to find out the most important chords, how to grab them.
Then look for the chords to famous songs, there are plenty on the Internet. Then you sing and slap the chords, of course only at the pace that the fingers come. At first you put each finger individually with eye control, later all in a slide without watching. If you need a few days to weeks, it’s possible.

2 years ago

There are some tutorials on Youtube.

2 years ago

You could download the app ukulele in the Appstore if you don’t find it for yousician there you can practice and learn well!