Mit über 40+ noch in die Disco?
Wer ist hier über 40+ und geht noch gerne in die Disco?
Ich litt Jahrelang an einer Angsterkrankung (Soziale Phobie) und bin in meiner Jugend deshalb kaum in der Disco gewesen. Trotzdem mag ich es sehr gerne und ich denke, ich werde auch mit über 40 noch gerne in die Disco gehen wollen aktuell bin ich 35. Ist das sehr ungewöhnlich? Gibt es hier welche die mit 40+ noch regelmäßig in die Disco gehen?
There are own Ü30 parties, there is also over 40 not necessarily too old.
Then it’s just the event, the audience and one.
I’m about 50 and I’m still going to discos.
Either motto disco with music from the 60s and 70s.
Alternatively to the Rockdisco from the neighboring town. I was already a teenager or young adult.
You go to the disco until they take you out point
If you have a repeat, just do it. You don’t care what others say. Let go. That’s what they do anyway
If you want to get rid of yourself with 40+, you are in such locality (Disco) right at the right address.
You don’t make yourself ridiculous with 20?
No, not rather, because such age would be the target group for this location. With 40+, you should have set other priorities in your life and pursue goals than to depend on them in such “press air flakes”.
Why are you being ridiculous?
I also want to dance with 40 young people to music and have fun.
But if you can do it, don’t be surprised that you will be viewed as grandma or grandma in such localities and, if necessary, addressed. You realize that in such discotheques, people of the age of 16 to mid/end 20 squad.
That may be. I’m not so serious about looking there either. But to watch/punch and have fun. And maybe there’s something. But is not my main goal when I go there.
They better invest their energy in work.
Every ordinary man knows that you don’t look for a woman in such locality. In any case, if you have a certain level and also intend to do it in the future.
Could be just older people who have fun dancing. Also older women were not just men.
So I stand on women between 20 and 30 and these are often in such a disco . Pädo is still far from that, that would be girls under 14 years.
Yeah, could be so pedos looking.
But sometimes I see those who are older than me. I think that’s all right.
So I didn’t want to surround myself with mid-30 with such young splashes anymore.
Well, so far, I’ve never been referred to as Grandpa and I’m 35. But I notice that most younger to much younger are. But fortunately, I look like the end of 20 so it is not so noticeable.