Mit softair im Garten schießen?

Also ich will mir eine softair Waffe kaufen(unter 0.5 joule) und würde damit gerne im Garten schießen nur die frage: ich tele mit 1 anderem Wohnhaus den Garten.Also in 1 haus sind mehrere Wohnungen.Darf ich da schießen solange ich nix beschädige oder jemanden verletze? Würde mir auch eine Zielscheibe holen.Vielen Dank!

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1 year ago

In principle, it is that Prohibition outside of encumbered ownership Article 2 This means that you can only shoot on a plot where it is ensured that no bullet can leave the censure and has no third party access. The owner must also agree.

If the property is sufficiently satisfied in your case, I would go to the neighbors who the garden also belongs to or have access to it and look for the conversation with them. Explain to them that you would like to shoot targeting there with an Airsoft (or you use the term “Erbsen pistol”) under 0.5 joule (speak that this energy is relatively low and you can buy these Airsofts from 14) and whether that is all right for everyone.

I don’t know how the situation is. If the property is not sufficiently satisfied or because x-different persons have access or can look there, it is not possible anyway.


1 year ago

I wouldn’t do it in your place. Mostly because the garden does not belong to you alone and therefore is not your private property. With a 99% likelihood, someone will also call the police because there is once someone with a (an unknown can never guess in a second stroke whether it is a toy or a real weapon) gun shoots through the area.

Then you have more than one problem.

1 year ago

rather not do.
Can at most inform people and ask if they agree.

As has already said, people will certainly consider your weapon to be a real one.