Mit Slips in die Therme?
Hey, ich gehe heute mit einem Freund in die Therme. Ich hab allerdings nur meinen Badeslip eingepackt den ich auch im Schwimmverein trage.
Der Freund weiß das und hat darüber auch schon gelacht…ich hab nur Angst das andere Jungs oder so in der Therme sich dann darüber lustig machen. Hat hier jemand erfahrung?
Every thermal spa visitor, it’s a whistle of a swimsuit. And your friend is also just blazing because he is a bit jealous of you because you are courageous enough to wear slippery pants.
So, everything okay
If you feel comfortable, it’s all right. I was also the only one in my school class with slippery pants, all the others had wide shorts for swimming lessons.
Seriously? What do you want with so many swimwear? You can only wear one…
Every year, two new ones; and suddenly there are so many when you are 38j 😅
Nope. Not really. I can’t really get what to buy used laundry 😑
There are enough people who would even buy me the old ones. Also/specially, if I were to do unlike things 😂
Can sell some 😉
I find Adidas and Arena very good for wearing comfort. Since I am not a club swimmer, I prefer stretchy swimwear (polyamide elastic) than the less stretchable (100% polyester).
Right, much less. Can you use a new one next year…
But you’re right about the number: actually, a swimwear would be enough. You don’t have so many 🤔😅
This has never happened to me
The easy one can also lose quickly 😉
The favorite pieces more often. Some really only once a year (just that I can say “yes, I had on”). And then there are a few old/glutched/grilled/punched people who are not thrown away from sentimentality (e.g. the blue reebok).
And how often are they in use?
If you want to wear a bath slip then stop it, it’s just a swimsuit. I know that one or another looks strange, especially the younger ones. You just have to stand over it.
Otherwise, only one other swimwear helps pack in.
A bath slip is suitable and suitable, even in the spa. There may be some laughter at the beginning, but it stops at the water slide.
Don’t worry, just ignore, you shouldn’t be smiling.
You won’t go to a swimming pool for the first time
Yes, but a swimming pool with swimming lanes is something else like a spa where you actually only “rumtollt”
you don’t do it