…mit Rückenbandage schlafen?

Hallöchen, ich hab mir eine Rückenbandage gekauft mit Stahlstäben zur fixierung und einem “wärmepad”… für meine Rücken- bzw. Lendenschmerzen…
..sie haben mir Tagsüber jetzt sehr gute dienste geleistet 🙂

Allerdings steht im Händlerportal zu dem Produkt nichts darüber ob man diese auch bei Nacht tragen darf?!

Vielleicht kennt sich ja jemand aus ?!

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2 years ago


I also wear some orthosis and bandages, and at night you should also calm your body, too much heat can also have a counterproductive effect, as well as the rods in the part and the whole thing compress your affected regions, they work with a certain pressure and therefore your body needs some relief from it.

Therefore, I would advise not to wear the part while sleeping. There is for everything a measure of things, even for things that do us well. If you are more struggling with pain at night, think about a new mattress, let yourself be advised and borrowed sample, it is also good if you turn to an orthopedic, because the lasting use without any further preventive measures does not bring anything in the long term. A clever diagnosis, a conversion of your movements, sitting habits, footwear, the correct treatment, that works prophylactically.

2 years ago

I bought such bandages in the sanity house.

You should only wear it while standing or running and not sitting.

You can also sit down at short notice, but you shouldn’t sleep with it.

So I got it that way and read it in the description.

2 years ago

You better not wear them at night.