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6 months ago

PayPal now wants you to Credit card add; those who have recently become more and more frequent to ensure future payments and to filter out minors who have been illegally registered there with a fake date of birth.

So you should get a credit card, that’s really no problem for a full-year-old nowadays and there are also numerous free providers.

And if you write now “I don’t have a credit card”:

  • No, without adding a credit card, you will not be able to use PayPal anymore.
  • No, PayPal does not require the credit card from everyone – by the way, not yet – but where: PayPal asks them, then is that and that is not to change either.

You minor should be or when creating the PayPal account minor what I personally do not believe is the beginning of the end of your PayPal account, which will soon be Final to be blocked; You as a person by the way.

And criminal law is not without:

Click: StGB §263

Click: StGB §269

Although applicable to eBay, it is also applicable to PayPal:

Click: judgment of the Berlin Chamber Court

You can also call PayPal customer service; they have very friendly staff who like to help you:

0800 – 7234500 or 069 – 945189832/ Mo.- Sat. 9:00 to 19:30

And be prepared to ensure that PayPal will make a data comparison by means of a welding can for personal and age verification.

6 months ago

Rumor is that an attempt by underage to fish out when Paypal suddenly wants a credit card.

I don’t know if that’s true or if there are other reasons. I’m missing.

If you don’t have a card and don’t have a call to support and explain it to them. Ggf finds a solution.

It is to be understood that you will also have the problem with Paypal on your next payment attempt.

6 months ago

only if a credit is on your parrot account, or you can have your bank account details stored, you can send something, but you also need the account no. Enter your family


6 months ago

This is PP’s minor defense measure.

If you have no credit card, you can no longer pay with PayPal. Whether you have credits on PayPal, or whether you have deposited a bank account.

That’s it.

6 months ago

If you have credit, yes, obviously you have none.

6 months ago
Reply to  gero1987

Then this is not a freely available credit.