Mit Österreich Vignette nach Ungarn und Rumänien?
Hallo, ich bin gerade mit dem Wohnmobil unterwegs.
Gerade bin ich in Österreich und möchte morgen nach Rumänien. Heißt, ich muss auch über Ungarn. Ist meine Vignette die ich in Österreich gekauft habe dann auch in Ungarn gültig, oder was gibt es da?
As Hungary is a country other than Austria, the Austrian vignette on Hungarian highways is of course not valid.
But you can buy a vignette for Hungary in Austria. If there are gas stations, the closer you reach the border, the more common you will find it.
Read here:
No, it is of course only in Austria. With regard to Hungary, you should be careful to pay at the latest at the border there for the motorway toll, as you can travel in Hungary for a maximum of 1 hour without vignette. Tollprellerei is expensive there and is persecuted in Germany by Hungarian collection companies. Here is a helpful link:
Nice vacation.
No. Each country has its own vignettes (if there are vignettes in the respective country). In addition to the Austrian, you also need a Hungarian and a Romanian vignette, if you want to drive motorways in these countries.
The Hungarian vignette (electronic registration, not to stick) you best buy either online or in Hungary by the border. You have 30 minutes to buy a vignette in Hungary after the first drive of the highway, so you can drive the piece up to the next petrol station without vignette on the highway if you buy one there. Of a purchase of the Hungarian vignette in Austria is to be discouraged as much more expensive than online or in Hungary. Pay attention to the correct vignette category, depending on the number of seats and weight of the camper you need D1 or D2.
And in Romania there is also a vignette, but I can say nothing more precisely because of lack of experience.
On Hungarian motorways, cars, tents and motorhomes require electronic vignette e-Matrica. The E-Vignette is available online and on site. The Romanian national road network is also subject to charges for motor vehicles, except for motorcycles. The electronic vignette »Rovinieta« is required.
Of course you need another vignette in Hungary
No, Austria-Hungary no longer exists.
It was good:-D
Hungary has its own vignettes for the motorway (digital). Here is the Hungarian version:
Whether in Romania there are still adhesive vignettes or even more digital one would have to google.