Mit Ohrringe im MRT?
Ich wAr mit Ohrringen im MRT hatte während des MRT den Knopf gedrückt und es gesagt und sie hat gesagt es ist nicht schlimm und hat gefragt ob ich sie merken es hat kurz wie bisschen gebrannt. Jetzt hab ich Angst das die Bilder nicht richtig wurden.
Forget about getting out? As long as nothing is magnetic, it doesn’t matter. The pictures are as they are now. If they weren’t usable, someone would have said something.
Yes forgot it and then had pressed the button and the assistant said it and then she said it was nix except I noticed it then said no but it was initially bit sceptical.
Doesn’t seem so bad. I know you asked me if the earring was still going out. (Not always with older semesters when the 30 is in it 😆) And probably wouldn’t have been so bad.
So it was magnetic in every case, but it was earplugs
It went well!
Well, that’s why I’m headed
No. Don’t worry about it.
Of course, I’m afraid of the evaluation already and at the kidney it’s not safe with something and I have to let it control in 6 months with ultrasound now I’m afraid it’s because of the earrings
You can wear jewellery in the MRT as long as it is of course not magnetic.
It happened to me. All right, the pictures become normal.
I don’t know if he was magnetic it burned minimally