Mit oder ohne Bratenfett?
Ich habe Hunger und will was essen, aber soll das mit oder ohne Bratenfett gemacht werden ?
Ich habe Hunger und will was essen, aber soll das mit oder ohne Bratenfett gemacht werden ?
Hi Leute, habt ihr das auch manchmal, dass ihr übelst krassen Hunger auf Fasfood habt?😋 Ich denk mir manchmal so: Jetzt so 2-3 Big Mäcs, wären schon geil.🍔🍔🍔 Dann fahre ich zu Mäcces und stopf mich voll.😅 Wer kennt das?😅😅
Kann man Tofu essen als Proteinquelle? Einige sagen es ist gift, andere sagen es ist gesund
Hallo ist das Müsli einigermaßen gesund für morgens mit Milch? Danke. Hat 3g Zucker: Cerealienmischung mit 9% Ölsaaten und 2% Amaranth gepufft. 75% Vollkornflocken aus Hafer, Weizen und Gerste | süße Dinkel-Honig Pops | mit knusprigen Gersten-Flakes | aus kontrolliert ökologischer Landwirtschaft
Würde gerne günstig Weizen beziehen.
So I always do them in the Air Fryer so that the cheese melts well.
But you can also roast it with roast fat, that is also really delicious. Best at a low level. Otherwise it becomes too fast crispy and the cheese is still solid. Because he’s vegan, he needs to get a little longer to liquid.
In the pan it definitely tastes a little better. You just have to take some time.
I hope I could help you.☺️
If you like the panade – as usual with the carving – you don’t get around without a brazing with some fat or oil.
Microwave or hot air fryer goes, of course, but then you have soft “Labber style” .
Best always look at what the manufacturer advises on the back of the preparation.
as in all panned things, the panade has to suck up really with fat.
But with this finished product, I guess there’s enough fat panade on it.
So you just have to make sure that the analog box doesn’t run out.
In a coated pan, a small little frying oil or butterschmalz,
heat to brooding temperature. Then bruise 3-4 minutes from both sides.
And leave a few minutes without great heat.
And if it may also be crispy, into the microwave in suitable dishes.
It can also be roasted without fat or, as has already been written, heated in the Air Fryer or the microwave. If you burn it without fat, then it quickly bakes, so watch out.
roast without at least something Oil is crap. It rarely works well.
Do they just like everything else, even with oil or butter in the pan? I’ve only put into the airfryer last week, worked wonderfully
You should have some vegetable oil
It’s like it can be prepared.
How you want is no matter what you want, recommendation from Jannika: take olive oil