mit oberschenkel zerrung trainieren?
Hi, habe mir beim kickboxen am Dienstag mein hintere oberschenkel seite gezerrt. es sind so ziehende schmerzen. abee möchte dennoch in Bewegung bleiben, damit es schnell heilt und nicht nur rum sitzen. Kann ich mit der zerrung zum box Training gehen ?
Hello, Kaazu!
No, especially since you don’t even have a diagnosis. And you make mistakes, so the problem can also become chronic.
The Ischiocrural Musculature is affected. She bends the knees, stretches the hips and stabilizes your pelvis
Of course, some activity will be possible. Talk to doctor and physiotherapists.
That’s it. many exercises in the water quite early possible. Going in deep water hardly loads the affected muscles, but trains important muscles and makes conditioning.
This is exactly how top sportsmen make this a reconvalescence.
Good improvement
You ask the doctor. Worse muscles, tendons and ligaments can worsen the thing.